Society Magazine

Secret Santas Pay off Layaway Bills, Save Christmases and Inspire Joy Across US
A new trend is sweeping the US: Secret Santas paying off layaway bills of struggling families, renewing America's faith in human kindness. Read more

Bradley Manning: Cunning Sexual Strategist Or Troubled Soldier Struggling with Gender Identity Issues?
Alleged WikiLeaks leaker Bradley Manning's sexuality has been central to his ongoing military hearing. Read more
ILIGAN CITY| Typhoon Sendong Killed Many Iliganon's
Photo: Mark Landicho I am in much grief to tell everybody that a lot of Iliganon's lost their lives in the flash floods brought about by Typhoon Sendong. Read more
The 17 December 2011 by Singcolinquisitor
Rooney Mara Wows Critics as Lisbeth Salander in David Fincher’s The Girl With Th...
Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander David Fincher’s The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is one of the most hotly anticipated releases of 2011. Read more
The 14 December 2011 by Periscope
Size Guide: European Map of Penis Size As part of their ongoing project of visually mapping national and regional stereotypes, the kind folks at AlphaDesigner. Read more
The 07 December 2011 by Periscope
#OWS for Vendetta: Viewing Occupy Wall Street Through “V for Vendetta”
“The truth is: there’s something terribly wrong in this country, isn’t there?” Early last month, my friend and colleague Andrew Golledge and I took a trip down... Read more
The 02 December 2011 by
Why I’m So Passionate About Women’s Rights
a message from a male feminist People often ask me why, as a man, I am so passionate about women’s rights. The answer is that I got into women’s rights because ... Read more
The 26 December 2011 by Juliez
Sherlock Holmes: His Best and Worst – The Antiscribe Overview
By Jonathan Morris, With the sequel Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows being released on December 16, I thought I would take an always welcome... Read more
The 14 December 2011 by
John Calvin and Zombies
I've kicked around ideas as to why zombies are a center-stage topic of interest for my children. My wife and I don't talk about zombies (ha, like that would mak... Read more
The 29 December 2011 by Pomozone
Global Warming (sic) and Cell Phone Mast Proliferation ... So, What's the...
it's just a thought, as are most things on this Free Planet (free thought) blog, "Global warming (sic) and cell phone mast proliferation ... what's the... Read more
The 05 December 2011 by Freeplanet
Gambling Lessons Should Be Taught in Schools, Says Charity; Commentators Splutter
Wheel of Fortune: Gambling with our lives. Photocredit: Shimazu GamCare, a charity for gambling addicts, has... Read more
The 07 December 2011 by Periscope
From Arab Spring to Occupy, the Seven Punchiest Protest Signs of 2011
Occupy London. Photo credit: Neil Cummings, From St Paul’s Cathedral, London, to Tahrir Square, Cairo, 2011 has undoubtedly been a year... Read more
The 12 December 2011 by Periscope
Victory Day | The 16th of December
The 06 December 2011 by Saurav2006complex : Travel
Lady Gaga’s latest music video, ‘Marry The Night’, features nude cereal fights and angry dancing
The 02 December 2011 by Periscope : Current,
Religion in America: The View from Britain
The 18 December 2011 by Cris : Culture, Debate, History, Religion, Schooling, Spirituality
Draw corruption, democracy, and gender
The 08 December 2011 by Center For International Private Enterprise : Business, Current, Politics,
Clinton Announces Gay Rights at Heart of Foreign Policy
The 08 December 2011 by Periscope : Current,
Kim Jong-il is dead, the internet responds (cruelly)
The 21 December 2011 by Periscope : Current,
Kim Jong-il Dead at 69, Pyongyang Mourns
The 19 December 2011 by Periscope : Current,
The strangest ‘facts’ about the late Kim Jong-Il, North Korea’s Dear Leader
The 19 December 2011 by Periscope : Current,
David Icke unfurls the post-Democratic TECHNOCRACY or FEDERATION
The 02 December 2011 by Freeplanet : Debate,
Herman Cain Rises in Crowded GOP Field
The 09 December 2011 by Dan90017 : Debate, Politics,
Here She Goes Again… Bachmann vs. OWS
The 12 December 2011 by Bestfunnyblog : Politics, Random,
The Doctor Who Christmas Special 2011: “The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe” – The Antiscribe...
The 27 December 2011 by : Current, Entertainment,
Barclays’ Premier League at half time: What we know so far including Robin van Persie’s hot and Stev...
The 19 December 2011 by Periscope : Current,
Best films of 2011: The Tree of Life, The Artist and the hidden gems you missed (like Margaret)
The 26 December 2011 by Periscope : Current,
Scientists Discover a Possible Second Earth
The 06 December 2011 by Periscope : Current, Science,
Grammy Awards 2012 Nominations Announced
The 01 December 2011 by Periscope : Current, Entertainment, Music,
First-ever US X Factor winner crowned: Melanie Amaro takes home the $5 million contract
The 23 December 2011 by Periscope : Current,
Got a news addict on your Christmas list this year? Here’s our invaluable news junkie gift guide
The 12 December 2011 by Periscope : Current,
Hillary Clinton calls for peace in North Korea as Kim Jong-un expected to take over from Kim Jong-il
The 20 December 2011 by Periscope : Current, Debate, Politics,
Free Planet - suicide is painless?
The 08 December 2011 by Freeplanet : Debate,
Previous Editor's Picks
Sendong's Effects in the Eyes of a Blogger
The 19 December 2011 Destinations, Travel
The USSR: Twenty Years Later
Obama keeps promise to withdraw US troops from Iraq but was the war a triumph for democracy or a...
The 15 December 2011 Current
Cops in Corsets – Katie Price as Hampshire Police Crime Commissioner?
The 12 December 2011 Celeb, Entertainment
What David Cameron’s EU treaty veto means for Europe, Britain and the Coalition