American Politics — U.S. Presidential Race
American Politics — U.S. Presidential Race — Most viewed overall
House Committee Witch-Hunt is A Spectacular Failure
(This cartoon image is by Drew Sheneman from the Tribune Content Agency.) (This chart ifs Think Progress.) Most of the news media yesterday was concerned with... Read more
The 23 october 2015 by Jobsanger
Breaking: Anderson Cooper Showing Wear Moderators Will Sit In Tomorrow’s GOP...
Anderson Cooper just did a segment showing where specific CNN reporters will be sitting at tomorrow night’s GOP debate.3 Reasons CNN must think this is “news.”... Read more
The 16 september 2015 by Nottheworstnews
Defining My Cuban Many Good Years, Wasted!
By RF Schatten"The Cold War has been over for a long time...and I'm not interested in having battles frankly that started before I was Born" ~~ Barack ObamaFor... Read more
The 12 april 2015 by Rfschatten
Bi-partisanship in DC:Time for the GOP to Sign on Board the Good Ship USS...
By RF Schatten"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it" ~~~ WC FieldsThe Republican Party... Read more
The 26 march 2015 by Rfschatten
Trying to Stuff 200 Yrs. of Our Country's Past in a Closet That Doesn't Close!
By RF SchattenWhy would Republicans support Right Wing Social Conservatism and their fanatical worship of the past...while trying to cover up what they stand... Read more
The 07 march 2015 by Rfschatten
Too Close for Comfort: Trump's Misogynous Ways and the GOP's
By RF Schatten"While Mr. Trump resonates with a lot of people with his bluntness, including me to a degree, there are just real lines of decency a person runnin... Read more
The 09 august 2015 by Rfschatten
GOP Forces Millions In Red States To Live W/O Insurance
Health care is not perfect in the states that have expanded Medicaid, but at least those states are making an effort to see that all their citizens have access... Read more
The 23 january 2015 by Jobsanger
New Republican Manual: "How to Attract Someone You Really Despise".
By RF SchattenThe the crossroad of their existence...are trying to cross uncharted waters. How to attract Hispanics and other minorities into their... Read more
The 28 december 2014 by Rfschatten
Young People Not Aware of the Massive Mansions Hillary Can Afford
With a State Run Media that covers for Hillary, is there any reason to doubt that young people aren’t aware of what kind of money Hillary “for the middle... Read more
The 02 july 2015 by Eowyn
Today is the 150th Anniversary of the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln
Today is the anniversary of the assassination of our president by traitors to the United States as part of their attempt to wage war on America. Lincoln was... Read more
The 15 april 2015 by Doggone
Majority Of Public Wants Insurance Subsidies Continued
Republicans have been pitching a hissy fit about the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) since it was passed, and their incessant whining has convinced a lot of... Read more
The 05 march 2015 by Jobsanger
Ted Cruz and the GOP: Born-again...fabricating a New Reality.
By RF SchattenIn the spirit of Republican promos, on their born-again love for the poor...when your words and deeds have no merits to stand on...embrace the... Read more
The 08 february 2015 by Rfschatten
Will The Election Be On Domestic Or Foreign Issues ?
This chart was made from the new Reuters / Ipsos Poll -- which queried a random sample of 1,319 Americans between July 4th and 8th, with a margin of error of 3.... Read more
The 10 july 2015 by Jobsanger
Bradley Arant Law Firm Found E-bingo Machines Illegal, Just Three Years After...
We have shown that the Alabama Supreme Court can't seem to make up its mind whether electronic bingo is legal or illegal in the state. Read more
The 02 february 2015 by Rogershuler
State Taxes Punish The Poor More Than Any Other Group
I have often said on this blog that state taxes punish the poor, while basically letting the rich off the hook. Now we have some numbers (from the Citizens for... Read more
The 14 april 2015 by Jobsanger
The GOP's Self-denial of an Embarrassing Reality...Obamacare is Working!!
By RF SchattenLiving a Life of Self-denial in their own Little Make-believe World. Republicans just can't conceivably understand why the Affordable Care... Read more
The 24 march 2015 by Rfschatten
The "Recovery" Has Still Not Reached Middle-Class Workers
We are supposedly six or seven years into our economic recovery from the Bush Recession. That supposed recovery has been good for some, but not for others. The... Read more
The 21 september 2015 by Jobsanger
Texas Attorney General To Be Charged With Stock Fraud
It looks like Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's legal troubles may be much more serious than previously thought. Paxton (pictured in photo by WFAA) had... Read more
The 04 july 2015 by Jobsanger
Bush Gets A Small Bump After Announcing He's In
This top chart is from an NBC News / Wall Street Journal Poll -- taken between June 14th and 18th, with a margin of error of about 6.4 points. Read more
The 22 june 2015 by Jobsanger
Carly Didn’t Fail To Secure; She Let It Drop
Carly Fiorina didn't "fail to secure" the domain name, she owned it since at least March 2008 and the domain expired on June 23, 2014 and was... Read more
The 05 may 2015 by Worldwide
Immigration? White America's Reluctance to Lose Its Power!
By RF Schatten"Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American Vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from Racial Polarization.... Read more
The 12 september 2015 by Rfschatten
Dueling Dumbos: About False Conservatives & Political Pretenders
By RF Schatten"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not... Read more
The 12 august 2015 by Rfschatten
Leave Planned Parenthood Alone, BASICSSSS
FIIIIRST, if you are pro-choice, you aren't pro-abortion. None of us are chompin' on fetus limb tempura and chasing it with some pinot. Or maybe a spicy cab?... Read more
The 30 july 2015 by Daralaine
Marco Rubio Saving Christianity from the Catholic Chuch...for Your Vote!
By RF SchattenNow, it's the "Survival of Christianity"...and how the Catholic Church is bent on its destruction! “After they are done going after individuals,... Read more
The 27 may 2015 by Rfschatten
Higher Education: Professor Who Called Republicans ‘American Terrorists’ to Be...
The College Fix: A popular yet openly liberal communications professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst who has publicly disparaged Republicans and th... Read more
The 17 may 2015 by Eowyn
"Ominous Signs for the Democrats"
This from Salon no less: While Catholics have been swing voters since Richard Nixon’s second term, white Catholics are now identifying as Republican by... Read more
The 17 march 2015 by Brutallyhonest
Obamacare, Moochers, and Beggars: Richard Mack's Odyssey into the Realities of...
By RF Schatten"The States do not have to Take or Support or Pay for Obamacare or anything else from Washington DC. The States are not subject to Federal... Read more
The 03 march 2015 by Rfschatten
Net Neutrality Vs Content Control: Internet1 Big Money 0...SCOTUS Next?
By RF SchattenLet the Sunshine in!! A big win for every loving net citizen...a free Internet! From someone who's been involved on both the professional level an... Read more
The 04 february 2015 by Rfschatten
3 Down To The Wire Cyber Monday Republican Party Candidate Sales
Free denounced Canadian citizenship documents from Canadian-born Ted Cruz with every U.S. dollar* donated online to the Cruz campaign. Read more
The 01 december 2015 by Nottheworstnews
GOP Presidential Preference From July To The Present
This chart was made from a new CBS News / New York Times Poll -- done between September 9th and 13th of a national sample of 376 Republican primary voters, and... Read more
The 16 september 2015 by Jobsanger
New Poll Shows Trump May Have Peaked In Support
This chart represents the results of the new Rasmussen Poll that was done on August 9th and 10th of a random national sample of 651 likely GOP primary voters,... Read more
The 12 august 2015 by Jobsanger
No Vet Rights for Married Gay Couples & Their Kids. With All Our Love, The GOP!
By RF SchattenYou fight and die for good and bad causes...that 'is' what you do for your country when you sign up to defend it. Read more
The 04 june 2015 by Rfschatten
3 Last Minute Republican Black Friday Sales
10% off next book written by Ted Cruz for every donation made to his campaign by midnight.* Free carbon emissions in exchange for putting any Republican... Read more
The 28 november 2015 by Nottheworstnews
Senate Democrats Fold Like A Cheap Napkin
Yesterday I posted about the Senate Democrats banding together to defeat a cloture motion that would have brought the "fast track" version of the TPP to the... Read more
The 14 may 2015 by Jobsanger
U.S. Public Leans Significantly Toward The Democrats
The Republican Party controls both houses of Congress, and because of that, many in that party think the American public favors the Republicans more than the... Read more
The 10 april 2015 by Jobsanger
Marco Rubio: Looking for an Issue as Competition Lurks in the Sunshine State
By RF SchattenA nervous and sweaty cotton-mouth little kid, pretending to act like a big time politico...please, pass him the Aquafina! First impressions tell... Read more
The 10 january 2015 by Rfschatten
The Hypocricy of Political Corruption: Who's Corrupt
By RF SchattenA Political Party accusing another Political Party of Corruption? is like 2 Street Walkers accusing each other of moral and unprofessional ethics! Read more
The 27 december 2014 by Rfschatten
The Night Crew (2014)
Release The Night Crew in Top Video FormatNow you can watch full The Night Crew in High Quality Video with duration 120 Min and has been launched in 2014-12-31... Read more
The 26 october 2015 by Makebakeshare
Walker Leads In Iowa - Trump Vaults Into Second
While Donald Trump seems to have seized the lead in the latest national polls, the same cannot be said for Iowa. The Monmouth University Poll queried 452 Iowa... Read more
The 21 july 2015 by Jobsanger
Republicans and Obamacare: Admitting They're Wrong? Not!
By RF SchattenThe silent surrender of a failed political illusion...when a fool refuses to admit defeat, he'll continue his foolish ways till someone who... Read more
The 18 april 2015 by Rfschatten
Advocating Breaking the Law: A Thoughtful Argument by the GOP? Or Directives by...
RF SchattenLet's all ignore Carbon Emission Rules! WTF? You only live once!...and if you live in LA or the Big Apple? you die a little sooner! what's the... Read more
The 05 march 2015 by Rfschatten
Is Carson The New GOP "Flavor Of The Month" ?
In the last few months, there have been several "leaders" in the GOP race for their party's nomination to be president (although none of them have been able to... Read more
The 01 september 2015 by Jobsanger
Walker Is Coming Back To The Pack In N.H. And Nationally
For a while, Scott Walker was the flavor of the month among Republican hopefuls, and had a significant lead among New Hampshire GOP voters -- but that seems to... Read more
The 11 may 2015 by Jobsanger
CNN Clock Counting Down To GOP Debate… Literally
For the past several days, CNN has featured an onscreen clock counting down the days, then minutes to Tuesday’s GOP debate.3 Clocks We’d Rather See Count Down O... Read more
The 14 december 2015 by Nottheworstnews
Of Love and Lawn Mowers: Conservatives Don't Get Consent and Consciousness
Conservatives say stupid things they think are clever. The more extreme the Tea Bagger politics, usually the dumber and less insightful the comment. Facts are... Read more
The 07 august 2015 by Doggone
04.10.15 GOP Hates the Poor and Minorities
This is from Harold Meyerson in yesterday’s Washington Post:Fueled by the mega-donations of the mega-rich, today’s Republican Party is not just far from being... Read more
The 10 april 2015 by Keith Berner
Clinton And Carson Currently Have Leads In Iowa
Iowa has been a fairly volatile state in the presidential primary campaigns -- for both parties. Hillary Clinton had the original lead there, then for a short... Read more
The 23 october 2015 by Jobsanger
Being Speaker & Winning at All the Expense of a Country!
By RF SchattenWhat does the GOP and the Circus have so much in common?? They both are associated with Elephants...and they're both full of Clowns!!It's not... Read more
The 05 october 2015 by Rfschatten
Sociopolitical Quid Pro Quo...GOP's Inability to Co-exist in Society
By RF SchattenRe-creating the US Constitution into their own image...'We, the People' are being bamboozled by 'Me, the Corporation' and its GOP Brothel of... Read more
The 24 august 2015 by Rfschatten
Capitol Hill Intern Arrested for Bringing Gun to House Office Building
CNN A Capitol Hill intern was arrested on Monday morning for bringing an unloaded gun into a House office building. Joshua Wheeler, a 25 year old from Kansas,... Read more
The 03 june 2015 by Mikeb302000
The Obamacare Insured Are Happy With Their Coverage
Obamacare has proven time after time that the lies told by Republicans about it are ridiculous. Now this Gallup Poll (done in October and November of last... Read more
The 01 april 2015 by Jobsanger
Jeb's Bad Karma: From "Brightest Bush" to a Milquetoast!
By RF SchattenJeb's Bad Karma: From "Brightest Bush" to a Milquetoast! When a Republican aficionado in Iowa approached and asked Jeb Bush what he thought of... Read more
The 04 september 2015 by Rfschatten
Ding Dong, the Straw Poll's Gone
Iowa Republicans finally abandoned their sham straw poll, begun in 1979. In the last 35 years, the straw poll ha only correctly predicted the eventual... Read more
The 13 june 2015 by Doggone
Conservative Boogeymen and Bad Conservative Government
The deeply indebted MN GOP is trying to play their wedge politics on the state's dime, in contrast to legitimate non-wedge-issue investigations, in calling for... Read more
The 03 august 2015 by Doggone
Achievers of New Lows in Hypocrisy = GOP
past wisdom "I don't want to see religious bigotry in any form. It would disturb me if there was a wedding between the religious fundamentalists and the... Read more
The 04 august 2015 by Doggone
"Judicial Tyranny" by a Republican Owned Supreme Court? Only When Voting...
By RF SchattenReject Judicial Tyranny?? My, oh my! Who rejected Judicial Tyranny when Koch Industries Corp. became one Citizen, united? Who rejected Judicial... Read more
The 28 june 2015 by Rfschatten
Lindsey Graham in 2016...and His Lust for a War with Islam
By RF SchattenIf the Clown Car wasn't small enough?...another Bozo has entered the Great Clown Race! The Palmetto State's favorite son...and John McCain's... Read more
The 01 june 2015 by Rfschatten
04.15.15 You’ll Have to Vote for Hillary (sorry!)
If you are are in red or purple state, you don’t get to vote your conscience (or sit on the sidelines) in November 2016. Sure, there is lots to abhor about... Read more
The 15 april 2015 by Keith Berner
Clinton Still Far Ahead (Even Among Party Liberals)
On Facebook yesterday, I saw post after post about how Hillary Clinton is scared of Bernie Sanders. Frankly, I'm just not buying into that. It sounds like a... Read more
The 29 may 2015 by Jobsanger
Texas Voter ID Law Is Overturned By 5th Court Of Appeals
When Texas Republicans passed the onerous Voter ID law a few years ago, they said their purpose was to stop "voter fraud". We knew that wasn't true. Read more
The 06 august 2015 by Jobsanger
GOP = Gender Offensive Party : HF 1546 / SF 1543
We have an issue in our legislature relating to sex and science. Not surprising, we have a divide along political lines relating to the issues, with... Read more
The 07 may 2015 by Doggone
The Republican Replacement for Obamacare?
So, after years and years of complaining and criticizing and 56 votes against it in Congress, the Republican Party has finally, finally come up with what they... Read more
The 08 february 2015 by Morage
The GOP Asylum: Living in the Land of Make-believe
By RF SchattenLiving in their very own little Land of that John Boehner is exiting stage right, though some tend to believe, it's stage... Read more
The 25 september 2015 by Rfschatten
Only Winning by Cheating = GOP
PENIGMA RULES 1. We are here for discussion and debate. Citing factual sources is encouraged, and critical reasoning is prized here. Spam comments will be... Read more
The 27 june 2015 by Doggone
The Worsening Problem Facing The Republican Party
I have spoken of this before, but these charts (from The Washington Post) make the problem facing the Republican Party perfectly clear. They have a demographic... Read more
The 02 december 2015 by Jobsanger
Failing Thursday – Russell Leads Us Lower
Divergence! After making a mighty break from the pack in March to run up with the Nasdaq for a month, the Russell has now fallen back and is, in fact, leading u... Read more
The 30 april 2015 by Phil's Stock World
Benghazi II: Keeping a Stunt Alive, Just to Continue Hitting You in the Face!
By RF SchattenWhen you're a Republican and the Polls show your opponent has a double-digit lead over every candidate in your party, what do you do?? In the word... Read more
The 22 april 2015 by Rfschatten
A Powerless Majority...and Its Desire to Remove the Power of the Minority
By RF SchattenRepublican hypocrisy at all its glory! After 6 years of obstruction with over 500, House Republicans are demanding the outlaw... Read more
The 13 february 2015 by Rfschatten
Republicans Are Embarrassingly Bad At Creating Jobs
(This cart is from Daily Kos.) The Republicans like to claim that they know how to create jobs in this country. They say jobs can be created by cutting taxes... Read more
The 16 november 2015 by Jobsanger
Perhaps the Most Inspiring Video You Will Ever See Was Filmed in Birmingham's...
We deal with a lot of unpleasant subjects here at Legal Schnauzer, so we (and probably our readers) could use something uplifting once in a while. Read more
The 01 july 2015 by Rogershuler
Plagiarizing Another Man's Plagiarism. The Cruz & Trump Show
By RF Schatten"The Donald" is claiming "plagiarism" on Ted Cruz for plagiarizing 'his' term; "'Make America Great Again"...which he plagiarized from the 1980... Read more
The 28 march 2015 by Rfschatten
RIFRA RAH RAH / Conservative Rifraff
bad religion logo RIFRA is not a justification for discrimination, no matter how conservatives try to use and abuse it. This use of RIFRA and of religious... Read more
The 08 july 2015 by Doggone
An Open Letter from Republicans to the American Voter
From Facebook, yesterday: Mindy Fischer, Writer Dear Americans.... We would like to ask you to please consider voting for the GOP in 2016. Read more
The 27 january 2015 by Morage
Trench Warfare
Once something becomes socially acceptable, it is nearly impossible to change. I’m no prude, but I remember when “swearing” in public was considered bad taste. Read more
The 04 december 2015 by Steveawiggins
How Low Will Trump Stoop?...Embrassing Facism for Political Gains!
By RF SchattenRegistering Registering Jews? How about registering batshit assholes and keep them away from normal civilized society! Read more
The 21 november 2015 by Rfschatten
Krugman: GOP Nightmare Comes True (Obamacare Works)
Last week, the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) dodged a big bullet in the Supreme Court. Many had thought the court would declare subsidies could not be given... Read more
The 28 june 2015 by Jobsanger
72% Of America is Pro Immigration...and the GOP's Illusion of Massive Hispanic...
By RF Schatten72% of America!...even an idiot knows those odds when it comes to Immigration/Anti-Immigration questions.When even the majority of Republicans... Read more
The 06 june 2015 by Rfschatten
Fiorina Debate Blunder Insures She Will Never Be President
(This caricature of Carly Fiorina is by DonkeyHotey.) It seems that most of the GOP candidates think the path to the White House lies in demonizing the media (a... Read more
The 30 october 2015 by Jobsanger
"Hating Immigrants" the Wretched Refuse's Descendants
By RF SchattenPolitical Social Arrogance masqueraded as Humility is not a Virtue...but if you're an immoral who doesn't give a damn about Virtues, and don't... Read more
The 31 august 2015 by Rfschatten
Louder and Meaner Trump Talks, Higher His Poll Numbers Surge: Mary Hunt's Call...
And about ten minutes into the Trump rally, this happens.— McKay Coppins (@mckaycoppins) December 15, 2015We cannot ignore this,... Read more
The 15 december 2015 by William Lindsey
America's Great Divide: Gun Control...or More Violence!
By RF SchattenWhen the BBC reported the mass shootings in San Bernadino as; "Just another day in America"! Did that sound like a cynical British sarcastic... Read more
The 05 december 2015 by Rfschatten
The GOP Way: Blaming 'Lack of Regulation', While Deregulating It!
By RF SchattenWhat makes the Republican Party, degenerate to a level of Indecency and Immorality never seen before in the annals of American Political History?... Read more
The 14 august 2015 by Rfschatten
Today's Republicans Are Too Incompetent To Govern
I (and many others) have been commenting on the incompetence of Republicans lately, but you know things are getting seriously bad for that party when... Read more
The 14 october 2015 by Jobsanger
The GOP: Perpetrating Gun Violence, and Pretending It Didn't Happen!
By RF SchattenIn the world of Political Illusions, the Illusionist should never believe in his own magic...after all, it's just faking your audience into... Read more
The 04 october 2015 by Rfschatten
Texas Refuses Medicaid Expansion - & Hospitals May Close
(This image is from the website Texas leads the nation in both the number and percentage of uninsured citizens (with more than a quarte... Read more
The 27 april 2015 by Jobsanger
Jennifer Wolfe Joins the Board
According to a press release we just received DomainDiction, a PR and marketing agency dedicated to the domain industry, announced that Jennifer Wolfe, “the... Read more
The 26 february 2015 by Worldwide
Two Demoted And Two Dropped From Next GOP Debate
The caricature above (by the inimitable DonkeyHotey) shows the Republican presidential candidates allowed into the "big kids" debate last time. The next debate... Read more
The 07 november 2015 by Jobsanger
The Candidate Campaigns That Texans Are Donating To
The state of Texas has a huge population, and that means it also has a lot of money that could be donated to candidate campaigns. Read more
The 11 august 2015 by Jobsanger
A Metal Whose Time Has Come
The Gold StallionGet Ready for the Ride of your Life[courtesy Google Images]AntiShysterOne persistent patriot focus was the monetary system in general and our... Read more
The 28 june 2015 by Adask
The Confederacy & Its Flag: The Legacy of a Symbol
By RF SchattenTo everyone who believes the Confederate Flag is not a Symbol of Racism...please!! proceed to blabber all the horseshit your heart desires!... Read more
The 23 june 2015 by Rfschatten
Evangelical America and the GOP: Their Perfect World in an Imperfect Society
By RF Schatten"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere" ~~ VoltaireSelf-denial sucks!...when you're all alone, in a world all of your own! Read more
The 16 june 2015 by Rfschatten
The New Pope, Or Why the Republican Hispanic Outreach Will Continue to Fail
The new pope’s ardent focus on poverty will undermine any efforts by GOP to reach out to Latinos, who care a lot more about poverty than abortion or gay... Read more
The 09 october 2015 by Calvinthedog
Technical Tuesday – 2,100 Still the Line to Beat on the S&P
4th time's a charm? Not so far as we're once again failing the 2,100 line on the S P and the Russell took a deep dive yesterday, from 1,275 back to 1,250,... Read more
The 28 april 2015 by Phil's Stock World
The GOP Has Turned The U.S. Into A Nation Of Cowards
Ever since Paris was attacked by muslim radical jihadists, the Republicans in this country have steadily beaten the drums about how dangerous refugees are. Read more
The 22 november 2015 by Jobsanger
…Find Your Moment of Zen
It seems like we’ve been saying good bye to a lot of late night hosts recently, and frankly, I’m tired of it. The rest of you, I don’t care how much you hate... Read more
The 06 august 2015 by Zer
Constitutional Amendments On November 3rd Texas Ballot
Texans will go to the polls on November 3rd. In many locations, there are no actual candidates being voted on -- but that doesn't mean it's not important.... Read more
The 19 october 2015 by Jobsanger
Sunday Funny
From LOL GOP on FB: LOLGOP 20 mins · Trump: I prefer saviors who didn't get crucified. Read more
The 19 july 2015 by Doggone
Religious Freedom Or Sharia Law...Same Message, Different Messenger
By RF SchattenThe Hypocrisy of the Religiously Intolerant...welcome to the Kim Davis Show!! A nobody whose batshit sick views of Life became an exploitable... Read more
The 14 september 2015 by Rfschatten
Governor Brownback and Kansas Republicans Keep Making Things Worse
Everyone knows, a few years ago, in Kansas, very Republican Governor Sam and all his Republican, Right Wing cohorts at the Topeka State Capitol slashed taxes... Read more
The 14 june 2015 by Morage
Bipartisan Coalitions...when the GOP Loses Its Taste for Tea
By RF SchattenA Bipartisan Coalition?? To a beaten up, worn out Republican Party, it's the last act of a desperate man!...but to Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA)? He... Read more
The 10 october 2015 by Rfschatten