Society Magazine

Middle Class Homelessness on the Rise?
A report commissioned by Crisis, the homeless charity, warns that homelessness is on the rise – and particularly amongst the middle classes. Is this because of cuts, or are there... Read more

Danes Are The Most Satisfied Europeans
Over two thirds of Europeans are satisfied with their lives in spite of the euro crisis and fears surrounding the single currency. This is the conclusion of a new study by the... Read more
Cleaning London's Streets
This morning, London's attention turned to clearing up the mess left by riots. Many volunteers have brought gloves, binbags and brooms to affected areas, a... Read more
The 09 August 2011 by Carolineld
Becoming a Brony
I design t-shirts at my job. I research pop culture trends and make t-shirts about them. About a month ago it came to my attention that that's a large group of... Read more
The 10 August 2011 by Forevermelody
PETA's William Contemporizes Shakespeare for Young Audiences
After the success of “Care Divas,” PETA ventures into another ambitious feat--its new Shakespeare rap musical, “William,” which runs August 19-September 25 at... Read more
The 19 August 2011 by Gibbs22manila
Saudi Arabia Looking to Build World’s New Tallest Tower
Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. Photo credit: Mauroof Khaleel for Presidency Maldives Gulf state Saudi Arabia may soon be able to boast the tallest building in the... Read more
The 02 August 2011 by Periscope
Kunsthaus Graz, Graz, Austria
Completed in 2003 the Kunsthaus Graz is a strange and yet very striking building. Affectionately dubbed the "Friendly Alien" by its creators its amoebic like... Read more
The 15 August 2011 by The Grumpy Old Limey
North Korea Shoots at South Korea; Becomes Affluent?
North Korea's getting jittery again, shooting missiles at South Korea. Is this indicative of a more aggressive, richer society, or is it just thrashing about... Read more
The 10 August 2011 by Periscope
Is Marijuana Really the Wonder-Drug That Could Help Millions Or Actually a Menac...
Many say marijuana is the most beneficial of all the substances known to man, while others claim it is the scourge of mankind. Regardless that the Journal of... Read more
The 15 August 2011 by Tomretterbush
The Queen of Crazy? Michele Bachmann Wide-eyed on the Cover of Newsweek
Newsweek's cover image of Michele Bachmann, the Minnesota rep seeking the Republican nomination for president, is parking conservative ire because of her... Read more
The 10 August 2011 by Periscope
Is the Traditional Honeymoon a Thing of the Past?
Last weekend saw the second of this year’s hotly anticipated royal weddings. Princess Anne’s daughter Zara Phillips married rugby star Mike Tindall in a... Read more
The 05 August 2011 by Honeymoonblogger
Protests Over Lake Urmia
Flamingos of the Lake Urmia. It was yesterday. The lake is extincting now. large number of people have taken part in demonstrations in the cities Orumiyeh and... Read more
The 28 August 2011 by Nima Ch. (dustandtrash)
When will Pakistan say no to corruption?
The 08 August 2011 by Center For International Private Enterprise : Business, Current, Politics,
artist Alex Schaefer - Banks in Flames
The 31 August 2011 by Freeplanet : Debate,
Just who is new Apple CEO Tim Cook?
The 25 August 2011 by Periscope : Business, Computing, Current, Tech
Male Bisexuals: As Common As Unicorns?
The 12 August 2011 by Juliez : Debate, LGBTQ,
Beyonce Is Pregnant
The 29 August 2011 by Periscope : Celeb, Current, Entertainment,
New bi-racial Spider-Man divides fans and non-fans, engenders flock of ‘I’m not racist, but’ comments
The 04 August 2011 by Periscope : Current, Entertainment, Media,
Problem Solving 101 – Republicans
The 13 August 2011 by Phil's Stock World : Business, Economics, Politics,
Anarchy in the UK: London riots become UK riots.
The 10 August 2011 by Periscope : Current,
Would Bridget Jones Be Plump Today? Renee Says "No"
The 26 August 2011 by Josiebrown : Debate, Entertainment, Movies,
As Google acquires Motorola Mobility, what next for Android?
The 15 August 2011 by Periscope : Current, Gadgets, Tech
Top five birthday tributes to President Barack Obama
The 05 August 2011 by Periscope : Current,
Sarah’s Key: Moving or mawkish?
The 09 August 2011 by Periscope : Current, Entertainment, Movies,
The London Riots
The 10 August 2011 by Beanandgone : Debate,
Brazil fears uncontacted tribe massacred by drug traffickers
The 11 August 2011 by Periscope : Current,
Hackers’ threat to ‘kill Facebook’ just a misunderstanding, says Anonymous
The 11 August 2011 by Periscope : Current,
As Somalia famine continues, Liz Jones moans
The 05 August 2011 by Periscope : Current,
Obamageddon-Antonio F. Branco
The 09 August 2011 by Dltmontana : Current,
Fatal shark attacks rock honeymooners’ paradise Seychelles
The 17 August 2011 by Periscope : Current,
London riots: Seven truly heart-warming responses to the madness
The 09 August 2011 by Periscope : Current,
Feminist Findings in Lady Gaga's Newest Album
The 16 August 2011 by Danielleb : Current, Debate, Entertainment, Music, Women's Issues
Previous Editor's Picks
Labour target Cameron’s shift to the right, Tories support their leader
The 30 August 2011 Current
Condoleezza Rice, Gaddafi's 'Darling Black African Woman'
Obesity epidemic: Experts call for a “fat tax”
The 26 August 2011 Current
Apple supremo Steve Jobs resigns: Will the company bear fruit?
The 25 August 2011 Current
Anonymous - Occupy Wall Street - September 17th 2011
The 24 August 2011 Debate