Fitness Magazine


  • Lighthouses


    I've been thinking a lot about the value and nature of communication lately. How often do we get misdirected by tone or specific words? How often do others... Read more

    The 02 August 2024 by   Locutus08
  • Aspirations Vs. Expectations

    Aspirations Expectations

    Reach for the stars! You can do anything you set your mind to! The sky is the limit! We've all heard these phrases before, and we've probably uttered them... Read more

    The 06 August 2024 by   Locutus08
  • Bias, Habit, & Reward

    Bias, Habit, Reward

    Struggling to change an old habit or form a new one? Wrestling with how to unpack your biases? The answer might be locked up in your brain. Read more

    The 09 August 2024 by   Locutus08
  • On Changing Your Mind…

    Changing Your Mind…

    We are a deeply polarized nation. This has been increasingly true for decades, but the pace has seemingly increased drastically in recent years. Along the way,... Read more

    The 12 August 2024 by   Locutus08
  • Surprise Vs. Safety

    Surprise Safety

    Human beings are complicated. We may have the capacity for relative independence and we are certainly encouraged to claim a level of individualism within most... Read more

    The 26 August 2024 by   Locutus08
  • On Slow Productivity

    Slow Productivity

    I recently started reading Cal Newport's latest book, Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout. I'm only a few chapters in but the... Read more

    The 28 August 2024 by   Locutus08

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