Diaries Magazine


  • SPECIAL POST of the How NOT to Kill Your Co-Worker Series

    SPECIAL POST Kill Your Co-Worker Series

    Happy Friday!! YIPPEEEE! On Wednesday, I convinced myself that it was Thursday. How I did this is beyond me, but I was sad that I was wrong. Like the trustworth... Read more

    The 09 March 2012 by   Djrelat7
  • More Stuff to Look at

    More Stuff Look

    The train windows are so absurdly grubby that the dirt makes a design in its own right. What on earth is there to do on the train? Read more

    The 11 March 2012 by   Elizabethwix
  • Day 312: Keep It Simple.

    312: Keep Simple.

    Taking a break from what I call "Boyfriendland: Population 2", Zoé and I went to a house party over in Saint Germain-des-Près to flirt and talk politics with... Read more

    The 20 March 2012 by   Ellacoquine
  • Movie Mondays: Reaction to The Rum Diary

    Movie Mondays: Reaction Diary

    Photo courtesy of akeeris My husband was in charge of the Redbox movie pick today, and he brought back The Rum Diary. I'll be honest, this was not something in... Read more

    The 12 March 2012 by   Shawndrarussell
  • Writer Wednesdays: Chris Guillebeau Wants You to Take Over the World

    Writer Wednesdays: Chris Guillebeau Wants Take Over World

    Photo: Sujin Jetkasettakorn I LOVE passionate bloggers and writers--well, people in general. I don't have time for the "too cool for school" crowed, or people... Read more

    The 29 March 2012 by   Shawndrarussell
  • Not Too Thrilling


    Knut came over yesterday eveningThis is him on the daybed.In the afternoon we saw a cat. You do not see too many cats around here. This one was in a bar.This... Read more

    The 08 March 2012 by   Elizabethwix
  • Door Or Window?

    Door Window?

    came across this beautiful ornate door or window or maybe even a gate on a buildingshame it is all covered up and way above the ground. I bet at some point ther... Read more

    The 30 March 2012 by   Stampmouse
  • From the Stash: New Shop Items

    From Stash: Shop Items

    A little peek at one of my other shop lines that I am working on. I was fortunate enough to receive some burlap coffee bags from a local coffee shop, and I've... Read more

    The 10 March 2012 by   Nfldratheart
  • Sebastian Ward - the Bravest Boy in the Universe

    Sebastian Ward Bravest Universe

    This picture was drawn by Sebastian Ward, aged 7. Sebastian has been a very brave boy since he broke his leg last Sunday. And so has his mum, I’m sure many of... Read more

    The 11 March 2012 by   Fab40foibles
  • Bye, Bye Mr. Wall

    Bye, Wall

    Remember me mentioning that when our roomie moved out we were going to open up our basement? So this past weekend our roomie moved out which meant demo time! Read more

    The 15 March 2012 by   Mikidemann


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