Diaries Magazine

School Year Resolutions (That Keep) Paperblog Pick in Diaries

New School Year Resolutions (That I May Or May Not Keep)

It’s that time of year again, folks – Back to School! Many of you school-goers have already been back for several weeks and, like me, you probably have some preconceptions about ho... Read more

Operation Fire Paperblog Pick in Diaries

Operation Fire Pit

For those of you who don't know, our Dad is a pretty handy guy. He can fix or build just about anything and I am always right there by his side... Dad calls me his right-hand pup. ... Read more


  • Erection Day


    As far as British summers go, 2013 wasn’t that bad – a nice opening, a moist middle and a glorious finish (sounds like someone I know). Read more

    The 18 September 2013 by   Jackscott
  • Mummy Mondays: Angel's Face Review

    Mummy Mondays: Angel's Face Review

    Last weekend it was a very special little girls very special day! Amelie turned 6! She had a party in a local adventure play centre, and of course she had to... Read more

    The 02 September 2013 by   Sparklesandstretchmarks
  • Touring Titanic...The Artifact Exhibit in Las Vegas

    Touring Titanic...The Artifact Exhibit Vegas

    This blog post is sponsored by the wonderful folks at the Titanic...The Artifact Exhibition. The Titanic Grand Staircase recreation Photo Courtesy of Titanic... Read more

    The 19 September 2013 by   Latinaprpro
  • The First Time- La Primera Vez

    First Time- Primera

    ENG. Near my house there is a sign that says: when was the last time you did something for the first time? I have been passing that sign for the past month and... Read more

    The 02 September 2013 by   Juanas6s6nses
  • Polar FT4 Problems: No Heart Beat

    Polar Problems: Heart Beat

    Last week I went out for a run, and of course I strapped on my trusty Polar FT4. I like the idea of my Polar FT4 as my own personal coach. Warning me if I’m... Read more

    The 08 September 2013 by   Nicoleao
  • New School Year Resolutions (That I May Or May Not Keep)

    School Year Resolutions (That Keep)

    It’s that time of year again, folks – Back to School! Many of you school-goers have already been back for several weeks and, like me, you probably have some... Read more

    The 24 September 2013 by   Stressingoutstudent
  • Wishes and Ashes... a Guest Post from a Concerned Hill Walker

    Wishes Ashes... Guest Post from Concerned Hill Walker

    Beautiful and wild - Great Gable (pic by Alan Cleaver via Flickr) I spend a lot of time walking the fells in the Lake District enjoying the views, ridges and... Read more

    The 21 September 2013 by   Ellenarnison
  • Where To Get a Macaron in LA?

    Where Macaron

    Yesterday I talked about French Wines, today I talk about the French Macaron.  I’m gathering a theme here.  Throughout the  summer I have been obsessed with thi... Read more

    The 18 September 2013 by   Jamie Gall
  • Guest Post: Infrared Photography

    Guest Post: Infrared Photography

    Infrared photography involves playing with light to create a weird and interesting effect on a landscape. Professional and home photographers alike can take a... Read more

    The 06 September 2013 by   Ellenarnison
  • Thursdays Thing I Hate: Copycat Tattoos

    Thursdays Thing Hate: Copycat Tattoos

    Ok I have to admit it - I know its very uncool of me and probably makes me sound extremely old and out-dated, but I don't personally like tattoos in general. Read more

    The 12 September 2013 by   Sparklesandstretchmarks


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