Outdoors Magazine

Paperblog Editor's Pick

  • Skating in the Schools Returns for a Second Season

    Skating Schools Returns Second Season

    Last year the Skating Club of Boston piloted their Skating in the Schools program at the Boston Common Frog Pond. This wonderful after school activity gives... Read more

    The 21 January 2013 by   Fopg
  • Inca Trail Availability: 2013

    Inca Trail Availability: 2013

    The Inca Trail is extremely regulated by the National Park of Peru and only 500 permits are given to enter the trail each day. Read more

    The 17 January 2013 by   Alpacaexpeditions
  • Barefoot Running: 5 Tips for Getting Started

    Barefoot Running: Tips Getting Started

    Try these 5 simple tips so that you can successfully enjoy the benefits of barefoot running injury-free for years to come.Start Running in More Minimal Running... Read more

    The 17 January 2013 by   Earthrunner1987
  • Legend of the Tiger’s Nest

    Legend Tiger’s Nest

    Taktsang Monastery, the ‘Tiger’s Nest,' is a legendary icon of Bhutan. It could be argued that no other image appears so frequently in Bhutan slideshows and... Read more

    The 16 January 2013 by   Ryderwalker
  • Roadtrippin’ in the Usa


    Seems it’s about time we posted on our latest adventures. After Angie returned from Peru and I from Alaska last October, we picked up our car from Angie’s... Read more

    The 16 January 2013 by   Stangie
  • Best Ski Gear This Season

    Best Gear This Season

    The most important task after selecting a skiing destination is to obtain the best possibleskiing gear. The equipment one carries is of utmost importance, as... Read more

    The 16 January 2013 by   Simplypiste
  • Antarctica 2012: South Pole In Sight!

    Antarctica 2012: South Pole Sight!

    It was another productive weekend in Antarctica, where the season is beginning to wind down at last. For two of the South Pole skiers the finish line is now in... Read more

    The 14 January 2013 by   Kungfujedi
  • Cogne Ice Climbing Conditions Jan 2013

    Cogne Climbing Conditions 2013

    Just a short update on the conditions we found in Cogne a few days ago. In general there was less ice then what I have seen the last few winters in Cogne at... Read more

    The 13 January 2013 by   Mountainspirit
  • Lance Armstrong Considering Admitting Guilt, But Does It Matter?

    Lance Armstrong Considering Admitting Guilt, Does Matter?

    One of the biggest news stories this past week has been the rumor that Lance Armstrong is considering coming clean about his use of performance enhancing drugs... Read more

    The 10 January 2013 by   Kungfujedi
  • Himalayan Mountain Biking

    Himalayan Mountain Biking

    Himalayan mountain biking is one of the most challenging and exciting adventure sports. It is for those brave hearted people who can go to any extent to make... Read more

    The 10 January 2013 by   Jaisonvincent

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