watching way too much
Daily TV Ratings, & Social Buzz tracking, tv reviews, entertainment and TV facts, premiere dates and finales
Back to normal...How I Met Your Mother, Rules and the Housewives of Beverly Hills
The answer to Monday's Trivia Question: Jennifer Lawrence was nominated in 2011 for Best Actress in Winters Bone. Natalie Portman took it that year for Black... Read more
Posted on 26 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
OSCAR NIGHT is a Looooooong Night
UPFRONT DISCLAIMER APOLOGY...just like the show itself, this is one freaking long post, the net result of 6 hours of viewing. You may need to take a bit of a... Read more
Posted on 25 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
First Lady Cybil, Then Matthew Crawley and Now Jeremy Gilbert?
The answer to Thursday's Trivia Question: Godfather 2 and Lord of the Rings: Return of the King were the only 2 sequels to win a Best Picture... Read more
Posted on 22 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Come on Survivor Fans Should Know Better! Keep the Idol a Secret!
The answer to Wednesday's Trivia Question: Al Pacino won Best Actor for Scent of a Woman and Best Supporting Actor for Glengarry Glenross FIRST FIVES:... Read more
Posted on 21 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Now I Finally Know How Jules and Ellie Met...
The answer to Tuesday's Trivia Question: Daniel Day Lewis won his two Best Actor Awards for There Will Be Blood and My Left Foot FIRST FIVES: James... Read more
Posted on 20 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
HIMYM and Rules and Real Housewives Stunk Last Night...lets Hope Cult is Good...
The answer to Monday's Oscar Trivia Question: Last years winner for Best Picture was The Artist FIRST FIVE: Bobby Aguilera, Lance Beitler,... Read more
Posted on 19 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
I STILL Cannot Believe Downton Abbey Last Night...
The answer to Friday's Trivia Question: The 3 Barone kids names were: Allie, Jeffery & Michael FIRST FIVES: Allison Shapiro, Karen... Read more
Posted on 18 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
The answer to Thursday's Trivia Question: Christine Elise played Emily Valentine, Brandon Walsh's girlfriend on 90210. She also dated Dylan McKay, set fire to... Read more
Posted on 15 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Happy Valentines Day!!! Survivor's Back!
The answer to Wednesday's Trivia Question: Jennifer & Jonathan Hart, Max the Driver and Freeway the Dog were all part of the extremely enjoyable show...Hart to... Read more
Posted on 14 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
DOWNTON...a Little Late, but Worth the Wait!
The answer to Tuesday's Trivia Question: Vera Bates was Mr. Bates first wife on Downton Abbey. I thought a lot more of you watched this show...only 5 correct... Read more
Posted on 13 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Code Red Viewing Alert for me...At Least I Watched HIMYM and Rules of Engagement.
The answer to Monday's Trivia Question: Pope's name is Pope Benedict, I honestly had no idea...and apparently neither did a lot of you! FIRST... Read more
Posted on 12 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Apparently Nobody Got CBS's Memo...
The answer to Friday's Trivia Question: Howard Stern's "Fartman" appeared on the MTV VMA's in 1992 with Luke Perry. FIRST FIVES: He Who... Read more
Posted on 11 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Still No Sign of a Cure on Vampire Diaries, Leslie Knope in a Pool of Jello,...
The answer to Thursday's Trivia Question: Even when Brandon was sleeping with Lucinda...I loved him! FIRST FIVES: Tara Dowling, Candace Gorin,... Read more
Posted on 08 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Please Watch Guys with Kids, I Have a Feeling It Could Get Cancelled.
The answer to Wednesday's Trivia Question: Ladies Love Cool James or LL Cool J plays Sam Hannah on NCIS LA. FIRST FIVES:Bill McLaughlin, Phyllis... Read more
Posted on 07 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Hart of Dixie, Smash is Back and I Was Right...nobody Really Works on Cougar...
The answer to Tuesday's Trivia Question: Brady Hobbs was the son of Miranda (and Steve). FIRST FIVES: Nicole Pierro, Ed Ziskind, Megan Quirk, Phylli... Read more
Posted on 06 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Famous Canadians on HIMYM, Timmy's Back on Rule of Engagment and the Housewives...
The answer to Monday's Trivia Question: Okay, some of you thought it was a trick question since I didn't count LeBron and a VERY small handful of you thought i... Read more
Posted on 05 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
The answer to Friday's 3 Part Super Bowl Trivia Question: The 3 people that APPEARED in the Super Bowl as a player, an assistant coach and a coach were: Dan... Read more
Posted on 04 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Goodbye 30 Rock & Hello Naked Glee Guys
Today, 2/1/13 is the one year anniversary of this blog. According to Google, WWTM generated 68,440 page views which is amazing to me! I honestly can't believe... Read more
Posted on 01 February 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
I Definitely Let You Guys Down Last Night...
Today is the last day of the January Trivia Contest, I will announce the winners tomorrow and start all over for February. Remember ALL correct trivia... Read more
Posted on 31 January 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Cougar Town and Hart of Dixie Was All I Watched Last Night.
Sorry for the SUPER early posting, but I have a meeting in East Brunswick NJ that starts at 7AM! Crazy right? The answer to Tuesday's Trivia Question: The... Read more
Posted on 30 January 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO