

Hi, I am Dariel from YummyFoodBook. I would like to connect every baking, cooking and food enthusiast through this blog and to share recipes, nice eateries or cafes and everything under the sun relating to food.



  • YummyFoodBook http://www.yummyfoodbook.com/

    YummyFoodBook was started in 2010 and this blog is all about sharing baking and cooking recipes as well as delicious eats with people. My name is Dariel and I like baking, reading baking books and not forgetting trying out yummy food. I simply love gathering with my family members, close friends and at the same time enjoying delicious food with them.

    YummyFoodBook would like to connect every baking, cooking and food enthusiast through this blog and to share recipes, nice eateries and everything under the sun relating to food.

    There is a saying goes like this (by me): Nice food, right drinks, good ambience plus with the right companions will bring and connect everyone together.