Vegetarian & Vegan Magazine

Tahini Taste-Testing (and Hippies)
Tahini. Seems simple enough. Pureed sesame seeds in a jar, kind of like the peanut butter of sesame seeds. But, the thing is, there are some differences in taste, color, and eve... Read more

How Veganism Can Help Type 2 Diabetics
Hi everyone, I know this article is different from what I normally post but I found it fascinating. It comes from guest blogger, Marc Castro, of the Diabetes Forum. I knew... Read more
Tahini Taste-Testing (and Hippies)
Tahini. Seems simple enough. Pureed sesame seeds in a jar, kind of like the peanut butter of sesame seeds. But, the thing is, there are some differences in... Read more
The 26 May 2011 by Dreenaburton
Hugs and a Cookbook For Mom
Happy Mother's Day! For every mom out there giving daily for your children other loved ones in your lives, I wish you a beautiful day. Read more
The 08 May 2011 by Dreenaburton
LA Dining ~ A Weekend Away
I had the opportunity to spend a glorious long weekend in the California sunshine over Memorial Day weekend. Relaxing with family, catching up with friends,... Read more
The 31 May 2011 by Yonni
Dreaming of the Meditterranean
I don't know about you, but I happen to love meditterranean food. Sure, I'd most enjoy this fare overlooking the sea on a breathtaking Greek island, but since... Read more
The 27 May 2011 by Yonni
Protein and Insanity
I just started doing this crazy hard new workout called Insanity, produced by I've done some of their other routines with real success ~ Power... Read more
The 04 May 2011 by Yonni
Tiny Green Mom ~ Recipe of the Day
The sun is out and I've got a refreshing addition for tonight's menu ~ it was even yesterday's featured "recipe of the day" at Tiny Green Mom! Read more
The 21 May 2011 by Yonni
Catch-Up (or Ketchup)?
me with my mom!Time to get back to blogging! My mom is still visiting from Newfoundland (as some of you read on fb... "godluvya"), so my days are a little out o... Read more
The 22 May 2011 by Dreenaburton
To be honest, I have no idea how to pronounce the name of this place (Gusto Organics? Just Organics?) but as far as I'm concerned, it's irrelevant because it's... Read more
The 09 May 2011 by Yonni