Kei Lam (



  • The Travel Philosophy

    The Travel Philosophy (TP) is a travel blog that aims to offer not only entries about popular sightseeing spots but also our very own philosophy about each place and the act of traveling. We believe traveling is not finding check points as if in Amazing Race; today we travel with our cultural capital - capital that doesn't pay your hotel bills but allows you to appreciate the refined artistry, the cultural and historical context of every story, as well as to unveil the stereotypes of the people and city. While we write in an attempt to philosophize traveling, it is not saying we are uptight and serious and boring. Travel in part involves having a blast. And so is life. In this blog, you will find posts focused on a selection of tourist spots and local favourite places, hotel and museum reviews, travel tips and theories. Also, there is a collection of works written by our star - Mr. K - who thinks a lot, or overthinks, when he travels. We hope you enjoy reading our blog and come back again in the future.