Outdoors Magazine
The Visual Feast That is George Town
We may not have done nearly as well eating in Malaysia’s “Foodie Capitol” as we had hoped but that didn’t stop us from feasting on an impressive smorgasbord of ... Read more
The 25 May 2015 by Everywhereonce
It's New. It's Shiny. It Almost Works. May 2015.
Do you remember my last post, which was written on New Year's Eve? Did you have a good night? I also said I'll see you in 2015. If you check the calendar on you... Read more
The 18 May 2015 by Hikingfiasco
North Pole 2015: Ulrich Pulls Plug on Arctic Expedition
I'm still working to catch up on some of the big news events from the world of outdoor adventure that took place while I was traveling over the past few weeks. Read more
The 11 May 2015 by Kungfujedi
Preparing for a Passage: Making Fruitcake
If I’m making fruitcake, it’s a sure sign we have a passage ahead. Our next passage isn’t a big one. Weather willing we’ll leave in less than a week to sail fro... Read more
The 14 May 2015 by Behan Gifford
W. H. Pugsley Collection of Early Canadian Maps (1556 to 1857)
Collection of Early Canadian Maps (1556 to 1857) In 1971-72 Dr. William Howard Pugsley, donated his collection of early Canadian maps that he had collected... Read more
The 07 May 2015 by T_mackinnon