Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine
Anger’s Calling
At some point in my life I unknowingly decided that I did not have needs. That to have needs meant to be needy and someone who is needy is selfish and weak. No... Read more
The 08 August 2012 by Liminalspace
Check out my latest Mindset Column at: Why Worry? Sometimes life just hands us a big plate of yuck. Read more
The 13 August 2012 by Intuitivepsychology
United Kingdom – More Cracks Appearing in the Coalition Government.
The news dominating the the UK may be about the Olympics, but had this celebration of sport was not going on, then Nick Clegg’s announcement that his own House... Read more
The 06 August 2012 by Solarisastro
Intuitive Psychology in Practice…
Ever wonder what I do besides blog? Well, now you can check it out at: Get a peek inside of my new intuitive psychology practice. Read more
The 12 August 2012 by Intuitivepsychology
Continued Lessons in Gratitude
Sitting on a grimy if fairly comfortable bus, about to embark on my third night of travel since Sunday (which on planes and buses for me means pretty much no... Read more
The 25 August 2012 by Lucy May Constantini
Belief Systems
If we look at a few belief systems then we can begin to have some fun, because if we believe in a particular way, then it clearly starts shaping and defining th... Read more
The 13 August 2012 by Souldesign
Believe It Or Not!
Humans are a funny lot. We have these thoughts and opinions about life. Whatever we personally believe to be true is how we see the world. Read more
The 02 August 2012 by Souldesign
Thoughts on Being
Cogito, ergo sum. (I think, therefore I am) This is a typical intellectual statement that takes several things for granted. It was first coined by René... Read more
The 23 August 2012 by Souldesign
Roasted Jalapeno Hummus
I started up Body Beast again. I slacked when I went to NYC and so I just decided to start over. I'm cool with that. I was only 2 weeks in. What does this... Read more
The 27 August 2012 by Asullivan
What Are We Afraid Of?
I often ask myself why it seems so scary to challenge our own beliefs. Reality doesn’t care whether we believe this or that, so what is the big deal about... Read more
The 08 August 2012 by Souldesign