Outdoors Magazine

Paperblog Editor's Pick

  • Lance Armstrong is a Fraud..

    Lance Armstrong Fraud..

    Well... he may be. Let's be honest, in terms of performance enhancing drugs, which cyclist wasn't taking them in the late 90's and early 00's. Did it just so... Read more

    The 19 January 2012 by   Exceedpossibility
  • Antarctic History: Scott Reaches The Pole

    Antarctic History: Scott Reaches Pole

    The past few months we've been celebrating the 100th anniversary of Roald Amundsen becoming the first man to reach the South Pole, while simultaneously... Read more

    The 17 January 2012 by   Kungfujedi
  • Urubko and Moro on Nanga Parbat

    Urubko Moro Nanga Parbat

    Having reviewed COLD just days ago, following the first Winter ascent of G2 by Cory Richards, Denis Urubko and Simone Moro I thought I'd let you know what the... Read more

    The 12 January 2012 by   Exceedpossibility
  • Sailing Game Apps?

    Sailing Game Apps?

    As part of my reviewing of apps created for sailors, I've recently started looking at sailing games. To be honest, I haven't been very enthralled by any so... Read more

    The 12 January 2012 by   Sailingguide
  • A 3 Day Hike in the Cathedral Peak Area - December 2011

    Hike Cathedral Peak Area December 2011

    The long steep climb to Cleft PeakSue and Roger are ones of the many South Africans living in the UK. Christmas is always a good time to come back home for a... Read more

    The 11 January 2012 by   Spanafrican
  • Gear Box: Korkers Snow Boots

    Gear Box: Korkers Snow Boots

    Let's face it, innovations in snow boots are few and far between. Sure, they occasionally get warmer and more comfortable, and the designs change with both... Read more

    The 11 January 2012 by   Kungfujedi
  • LIVESTRONG Celebrates 15th Anniversary

    LIVESTRONG Celebrates 15th Anniversary

    In October of 1996, Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Shortly there after he would undergo treatment for the disease, and his subsequent... Read more

    The 09 January 2012 by   Kungfujedi
  • Hans Kammerlander - Second 7 Summits

    Hans Kammerlander Second Summits

    Just days ago Hans Kammerlander became the first person ever to climb the Second 7 Summits, the second highest peak on each continent, arguably a more... Read more

    The 08 January 2012 by   Exceedpossibility
  • Five Women Row for Freedom

    Five Women Freedom

    Just another day on the boat Row for Freedom Five adventurous women are currently taking on the challenge of rowing across the Atlantic Ocean; 3,000 miles i... Read more

    The 06 January 2012 by   Exceedpossibility
  • Treatment !


    Scan showing my herniated disc Following my diagnosis of a ruptured disk I’ve been to Bridgwater again to see my Physio Ivor to get my treatment plan…. I’ve als... Read more

    The 06 January 2012 by   Stodge

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