Outdoors Magazine

Paperblog Editor's Pick

  • Best Ski Resorts Near Geneva

    Best Resorts Near Geneva

    People don’t just come to Geneva for watches, chocolate, and very important international business:  It is also the perfect base for some amazing Alpine ski... Read more

    The 04 February 2013 by   Simplypiste
  • 14 Spectacular Basalt Formations

    Spectacular Basalt Formations

    image credit: rwhgould cc Basalt is a common volcanic rock formed from the rapid cooling of basaltic lava exposed at or very near the surface of our planet. Read more

    The 03 February 2013 by   Gerard
  • Rest, Recovery, and the Return

    It’s Saturday, February 2nd, and we have been here in Kensington for a bit over two weeks. This brief return trip was for the purposes of R&R;, as well as... Read more

    The 03 February 2013 by   Thervproject
  • Ocean to Ocean Bridge

    Ocean Bridge

    It’s a strange name for a bridge that doesn’t come within 170 miles of the nearest ocean. But once upon a time this little span that physically links Arizona... Read more

    The 01 February 2013 by   Everywhereonce
  • Hercules Mountain Biking Himachal

    Hercules Mountain Biking Himachal

    The Hercules Mountain Biking in Himachal is one of the most popular and awaited events in the biking world. This event is like a race against time along the... Read more

    The 01 February 2013 by   Jaisonvincent
  • The Tale of the Burning Man Wall

    Tale Burning Wall

    We are still in the Bay Area. Vikki’s got more work hours this week than most 9-5 people do, and I’m almost to the point of walking without crutches, so we’ll b... Read more

    The 30 January 2013 by   Thervproject
  • Vendée Globe Ends... in an Almost-photo Finish

    Vendée Globe Ends... Almost-photo Finish

    Well, the end of the Vendée Globe race was not exactly a photo finish. But after sailing 27,600 miles around the world alone on a boat for 78 days, the two top... Read more

    The 29 January 2013 by   Sedulia
  • Winter in the Alps? Yes Please!

    Winter Alps? Please!

    If you’ve accompanied us in Europe, then you know how special a hiking tour in the Alps can be. Hiking across mountain passes by day, relaxing in bucolic... Read more

    The 29 January 2013 by   Ryderwalker
  • Teen Adventurers To Traverse The Adirondack For Charity

    Teen Adventurers Traverse Adirondack Charity

    Two teenage adventurers are planning a couple of ambitious summer expeditions that will allow them to not only pursue their outdoor passions but also raise fund... Read more

    The 29 January 2013 by   Kungfujedi
  • Top 5 Australian Alps Experiences

    Australian Alps Experiences

    Despite their prominence in the south-eastern corner of Australia, not much is known about the Australian Alps. However, the whole area is filled with natural... Read more

    The 29 January 2013 by   Simplypiste

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