Outdoors Magazine

Paperblog Editor's Pick

  • Spring 2013

    Spring 2013

    Spring is here. The budding of various species of deciduous trees is beautifully shaded in various hues of greens; the Blue Ridge wilderness is awakening. Read more

    The 26 April 2013 by   Danielduff84
  • Best Hike Treks South Africa's Otter Trail

    Best Hike Treks South Africa's Otter Trail

    No one hikes more unique and unusual trails that Rick McCharles, the writer of the always interesting Best Hike Blog. When he isn't busy coaching gymnastics in... Read more

    The 25 April 2013 by   Kungfujedi
  • Everest 2013: Snowstorms Disrupt Acclimatization Schedule

    Everest 2013: Snowstorms Disrupt Acclimatization Schedule

    If there is one thing that we're learning so far this season on Everest, it is that all schedules are subject to change at any given time. Read more

    The 22 April 2013 by   Kungfujedi
  • In Celebration


    Last week, we met Katie and Niko at the local Joe’s Valley watering hole, The Food Ranch. The similarities were pretty conspicuous from the get-go: another... Read more

    The 16 April 2013 by   Thervproject
  • Britain's Prince Harry To Ski To The South Pole This Year

    Britain's Prince Harry South Pole This Year

    We already knew that Prince Harry had an adventurous streak. In 2011 he joined a team of soldiers who had been wounded in battle on a trek to the North Pole. Read more

    The 16 April 2013 by   Kungfujedi
  • Peru’s Top 5 Attractions

    Peru’s Attractions

    Sorry I haven’t updated the Alpaca blog in a while. I saw this article today in STUFF magaizine and thought it was a great start for people who were just... Read more

    The 15 April 2013 by   Alpacaexpeditions
  • Southern Spain

    Southern Spain

    As some of you many know I recently went to the South of Spain on a university field trip. As this trip wasn’t a holiday it was a module in which I was... Read more

    The 14 April 2013 by   Ryjocl
  • Silverton 1000 Mile/6 Day Races 2013 In Doubt

    Silverton 1000 Mile/6 Races 2013 Doubt

    News of the SIlverton 1000 Mile/6 Day races 2013 on Rodger Wrubliks Facebook pageThis really hurts, but it is time to make it official. Read more

    The 13 April 2013 by   Abichal
  • Adopted Again, and Taught About Spice

    Adopted Again, Taught About Spice

    The kindness of strangers is incredible. Once again we find ourselves in gratitude for the great friendliness and hospitality of Indonesian families who have... Read more

    The 10 April 2013 by   Behan Gifford
  • Outside Magazine Picks 2013 Adventurers Of The Year

    Outside Magazine Picks 2013 Adventurers Year

    Outside magazine has selected their choices for the 2013 Adventurers of the Year, giving that honor to nine people that they feel are "changing the face of... Read more

    The 09 April 2013 by   Kungfujedi

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