Outdoors Magazine

Paperblog Editor's Pick

  • GB Row Update: Then There Were Two

    Update: Then There Were

    Remember last week when I wrote about the GB Row Challenge, a 2000-mile (3218 km) race around Great Britain in a rowboat? At the time I pondered the question... Read more

    The 12 June 2013 by   Kungfujedi
  • Pakistan 2013: Teams Arriving As Season Officially Begins

    Pakistan 2013: Teams Arriving Season Officially Begins

    As I mentioned last week, now that the spring climbing season in Nepal and Tibet is wrapped up, many climbers are now headed to Pakistan to take on the massive... Read more

    The 10 June 2013 by   Kungfujedi
  • Terracotta Travelers

    Terracotta Travelers

    For as long as I’ve known of their existence I have longed to see them. Forever after I assumed that meant going to China and, given our travel plans, China... Read more

    The 10 June 2013 by   Everywhereonce
  • Copa Colombia: Holman and Abril

    Copa Colombia: Holman Abril

    Foto d'archivio: Holman - 2009(google translate)After 10 years returns to the Copa Colombia in the city center with a good show and 220 competitors at the... Read more

    The 06 June 2013 by   Worldxcmtb
  • Kiss Goodbye to Bali

    Kiss Goodbye Bali

    When our expectations of a quick (<1 week) visa extension turned into a three weeks, it was hard not to be frustrated. Yet silver linings are everywhere: a... Read more

    The 05 June 2013 by   Behan Gifford
  • Mini-interview with Kristian Hynek from Elettroveneta Corratec

    Mini-interview with Kristian Hynek from Elettroveneta Corratec

    (google translate)Online video in HD of the two-time winner at the Alpen Tour Trophy Schladming (AUT), Kristian Hynek, team rider Elettroveneta Corratec. Read more

    The 04 June 2013 by   Worldxcmtb
  • Top 3 Offbeat Trails in Glacier National Park

    Offbeat Trails Glacier National Park

    Glacier National Park is one of the most gorgeous places on earth, so it’s only natural that a whole lot of people flock to it throughout the year. During the... Read more

    The 03 June 2013 by   Kenin Bassart
  • Everest 2013: A Ladder At The Hillary Step?

    Everest 2013: Ladder Hillary Step?

    There has been a lot of buzz the past few days about the possibility of installing a ladder on Everest at the Hillary Step. This past weekend, Dawa Steven... Read more

    The 29 May 2013 by   Kungfujedi
  • Andy Farrington: Born to Fly

    Andy Farrington: Born

    Redbull Airforce team member Andy FarringtonListen nowAndy Farrington can fly. A member of the elite Red Bull Air Force, a team of the most accomplished BASE... Read more

    The 28 May 2013 by   Kimkircher
  • #2 WC Elite M: Returns Usual Nino Schurter

    Elite Returns Usual Nino Schurter

    Victory for Nino Schurter, who ran the race as usual. On his way only Julien Absalon (BMC) has been minimally inpensierirlo. Third place for Lukas Fluckiger... Read more

    The 26 May 2013 by   Worldxcmtb

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