Outdoors Magazine

Paperblog Editor's Pick

  • Why Hawaii is So Awesome

    Hawaii Awesome

    Hint: it’s not just beautiful beaches.True, the first image that comes to mind when you think about Hawaii is usually one of crashing surf, soft sand and... Read more

    The 19 August 2013 by   Everywhereonce
  • Ruby-throated Hummingbird

    Ruby-throated Hummingbird

    The community where I live in northern Virginia is designated as a bird sanctuary, and apparently the birds know it. At times, I feel as though I am living in... Read more

    The 18 August 2013 by   Stabone
  • Scenic Rim, Lerderderg Gorge, Victoria. July 2013.

    Scenic Rim, Lerderderg Gorge, Victoria. July 2013.

    Lerderderg Gorge in the late afternoon. It feels like I haven't posted for a while. Has it been a week? Is a week too long? Who knows, but believe it or not,... Read more

    The 18 August 2013 by   Hikingfiasco
  • Hiker To Set New Record On PCT

    Hiker Record

    Back in early June I posted a story about vegan hiker Josh Garrett who was about to attempt to set a new record for thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. Read more

    The 08 August 2013 by   Kungfujedi
  • Playing Tourist in Brunei

    Playing Tourist Brunei

    Cruising gives us great opportunities to see the countries we visit, but we rarely play tourist. Given our short stay in Brunei, we splurged on a car and... Read more

    The 08 August 2013 by   Behan Gifford
  • Extreme Mom: Barbara Peterson

    Extreme Mom: Barbara Peterson

    Barbara competing at XterraListen nowGetting out on the edge may seem challenging enough. But imagine competing in and winning numerous offroad triathlons... Read more

    The 06 August 2013 by   Kimkircher
  • The Bees Knees: Keeping Trekkers’ Biggest Asset of Highest Quality.

    Bees Knees: Keeping Trekkers’ Biggest Asset Highest Quality.

    The knee is one of the most mobile joints, but as mobility increases, stability decreases. When thinking about how to approach knee health, the term made popula... Read more

    The 05 August 2013 by   Ryderwalker
  • Rubbish on the Beach

    Rubbish Beach

    I don’t usually moan on this site, but I feel this is worth it. I went to Hayling Beach today to enjoy the sunshine and do some balance board training and when ... Read more

    The 01 August 2013 by   Kree8or
  • Adventurer Making Human Powered Circumnavigation Of The Globe

    Adventurer Making Human Powered Circumnavigation Globe

    Dimitri Kieffer is a lot of things. Born in France, he now holds dual citizenship in that country and the U.S. He is an international businessman, member of... Read more

    The 30 July 2013 by   Kungfujedi
  • Enrique Avancini New Brazilian Champion

    Enrique Avancini Brazilian Champion

    (google translate)Last week they played the Brazilian national championship with the victory of Henrique Avancini (Caloi) who has not had an easy life on... Read more

    The 28 July 2013 by   Worldxcmtb

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