Outdoors Magazine

Paperblog Editor's Pick

  • The Kind of Person That Says WOO HOO

    Kind Person That Says

    Woo Hoo!!“I wish I was the kind of person that said, Woo Hoo.” A college friend once told me. Sandra is elegant, she is sophisticated, she is well put-together. Read more

    The 12 September 2013 by   Kimkircher
  • National Adventure Day Coming October 12 & 13

    National Adventure Coming October

    Now here is an idea that I can get behind. My friend Chuck Vohsen of Rock Racing has declared the second weekend of October as National Adventure Day and he's... Read more

    The 12 September 2013 by   Kungfujedi
  • Adventure TEAM Challenges Gives Disabled Outdoor Athletes The Chance To Compete...

    Adventure TEAM Challenges Gives Disabled Outdoor Athletes Chance Compete Race

    One of the more unique and inspiring adventure races on the annual schedule will take place this weekend when the Adventure TEAM Challenge gets underway in Gran... Read more

    The 10 September 2013 by   Kungfujedi
  • Harnessing The Elements For Energy And Adventure

    Harnessing Elements Energy Adventure

    The Sierra Club has posted an interesting article in its Sierra magazine that profiles four outdoor personalities who have managed to harness the natural power... Read more

    The 10 September 2013 by   Kungfujedi
  • From Italy Comes News of an Innovative System

    From Italy Comes News Innovative System

    (google translate)From Italy there's news regarding an innovative system that could compete on the card to the now proven Tubeless, especially in disciplines... Read more

    The 10 September 2013 by   Worldxcmtb
  • Adventurous Kochi

    Adventurous Kochi

    Kochiis one of the places in Kerala, which is enriched with exotic places and things to do offering umpteen options of adventurous sports that will revitalize... Read more

    The 10 September 2013 by   Vishnudas
  • Watch: This Mirrors Edge-Style Parkour Video

    Watch: This Mirrors Edge-Style Parkour Video

    I’ll be honest with you guys. I haven’t played Mirrors Edge, ever. I’ve heard it’s a great game and all but, at the time it was released, all the other games... Read more

    The 09 September 2013 by   Nrjperera
  • What Makes a Good Cruising Boat? Mark Responds.

    What Makes Good Cruising Boat? Mark Responds.

    Mark Edwards cruises the yacht Relapse with his family- the Young design featured in the last post. He's on limited internet access cruising in Indonesia, but... Read more

    The 09 September 2013 by   Behan Gifford
  • 8 Reasons to Love Honolulu

    Reasons Love Honolulu

    Whenever we’ve asked for advice about where to go in Hawaii, whether for this latest excursion or one twenty years earlier, we invariably hear the same... Read more

    The 06 September 2013 by   Everywhereonce
  • East/West Walk, You Yangs, Victoria.

    East/West Walk, Yangs, Victoria.

    Western view from the You Yangs I must say, I'm happy to be writing this You Yangs post. It's Friday afternoon, work is done, it's still daylight, yet I feel... Read more

    The 06 September 2013 by   Hikingfiasco

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