I'll Tell You a Story
airy tales and fables allows to face a wide variety of topics using the stuff that dreams dreams are made of: desires and emotions, without barriers. Fairy tales and fables for children - the younger and older ones - give many different messages by who and how tells us. Fairy tales and fables offer the opportunity to tell the world that surrounds us. Let's try together.
The Blue Light
There was once upon a time a soldier who for many years had servedthe king faithfully, but when the war came to an end could serve nolonger because of the many... Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
The Fox And The Horse
A farmer had a horse that had been an excellent faithful servant tohim: but he was now grown too old to work; so the farmer would give himnothing more to eat,... Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
Lily And The Lion
A merchant, who had three daughters, was once setting out upon ajourney; but before he went he asked each daughter what gift he shouldbring back for her. Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
The Four Clever Brothers
«Dear children,» said a poor man to his four sons, «I have nothing togive you; you must go out into the wide world and try your luck.Begin by learning some craf... Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
The Fox And The Cat
It happened that the cat met the fox in a forest, and as she thoughtto herself: «He is clever and full of experience, and much esteemed inthe world,» she spoke... Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
The Three Languages
An aged count once lived in Switzerland, who had an only son, but hewas stupid, and could learn nothing. Then said the father: «Hark you, myson, try as I will... Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
Clever Hans
The mother of Hans said: «Whither away, Hans?» Hans answered: «ToGretel.» «Behave well, Hans.» «Oh, I’ll behave well. Goodbye, mother.’«Goodbye, Hans.» Hans... Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
The Turnip
There were two brothers who were both soldiers; the one was rich andthe other poor. The poor man thought he would try to betterhimself; so, pulling off his red... Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
The Juniper-Tree
Long, long ago, some two thousand years or so, there lived a rich manwith a good and beautiful wife. They loved each other dearly, butsorrowed much that they ha... Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
The Elves And The Shoemaker
There was once a shoemaker, who worked very hard and was very honest:but still he could not earn enough to live upon; and at last all he hadin the world was... Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
The Queen Bee
Two kings» sons once upon a time went into the world to seektheir fortunes; but they soon fell into a wasteful foolish way ofliving, so that they could not... Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
The Wolf And The Seven Little Kids
There was once upon a time an old goat who had seven little kids,and loved them with all the love of a mother for her children. Oneday she wanted to go into... Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
The White Snake
A long time ago there lived a king who was famed for his wisdomthrough all the land. Nothing was hidden from him, and it seemed as ifnews of the most secret... Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
The wife of a rich man fell sick; and when she felt that her enddrew nigh, she called her only daughter to her bed-side, and said,«Always be a good girl, and I... Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
The Miser In The Bush
A farmer had a faithful and diligent servant, who had worked hard forhim three years, without having been paid any wages. At last it cameinto the man’s head tha... Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
Clever Elsie
There was once a man who had a daughter who was called Clever Elsie.And when she had grown up her father said: «We will get her married.’«Yes,» said the... Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
The Pink
There was once upon a time a queen to whom God had given nochildren. Every morning she went into the garden and prayed to Godin heaven to bestow on her a son... Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
It was the middle of winter, when the broad flakes of snow werefalling around, that the queen of a country many thousand miles off satworking at her window. Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
Sweetheart Roland
There was once upon a time a woman who was a real witch and hadtwo daughters, one ugly and wicked, and this one she loved because shewas her own daughter, and... Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING -
Frederick And Catherine
There was once a man called Frederick: he had a wife whose namewas Catherine, and they had not long been married. One day Fredericksaid. «Kate! Read more
Posted on 02 March 2012 BOOKS, FAMILY, SCHOOLING