Diet & Weight Magazine

Slim Down for Summer

By Lolamillierose
 Its the time for a color overload. Spring has arrived and summer is only around the corner, time to prepare for maxi dresses, printed t-shirts, denim shorts, colourful blazers, lace skirts and barely there bikinis.
Slim down for SummerThis is my favorite time of year, its better than counting down the days to christmas. Its because im single!! Christmas is all about snuggling up on the sofa with your boo, watching romantic movies with the fire roaring away in the background, wearing matching onsies while the snowflakes fall from the sky outside. Thats a time for couples. Where as summer is a time for all the single ladies, and that only means 3things..........Sunbathing, Sexy time and boys.
So the proper wardrobe is essential.
So its time to put down the cake and step away from the kitchen, a summer body is at the top of the " I MUST HAVE" list. How can you expect to achieve everything you want to achieve without being the best version of yourself. And the best version of yourself means being healthy and working out. A balanced diet is key. This way all the clothes that you see when you walk past your favorite shops can be yours.
Slim down for Summer

Healthy Reminders

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Go outside and be active
  • You are what you eat
  • Sleep earlier, wake up earlier
  • Set reasonable goals
  • A little sweat never hurt anybody
  • Do it now
  • Mistakes are OK
  • Laughing burns calories
  • So does SEX
  • No more excuses
  • Beauty is a choice
  • Say "NO"
  • Wear suncream, protect your skin
  • Know your limits
  • You have control
  • This is your life, you may as well live it the best you can
  • Go to the gym, it wont kill you
  • Be inspired


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