Outdoors Magazine

Paperblog Editor's Pick

  • Tour 2011: Contador Throws Down The Gauntlet, Evans Takes The Challenge

    Tour 2011: Contador Throws Down Gauntlet, Evans Takes Challenge

    It is becoming increasingly clear that in the 2011 Tour de France you should expect the unexpected. Case in point was today's 162.5km (101 mile) stage between... Read more

    The 19 July 2011 by   Kungfujedi
  • Everest 2011 Stats

    Everest 2011 Stats

    The 2011 spring climbing season on Everest may be long over, but there are still some interesting facts about the various climbs on the mountain that are... Read more

    The 19 July 2011 by   Kungfujedi
  • Endangered Big Cats Making A Comeback?

    Endangered Cats Making Comeback?

    Some of the world's most endangered big cats may be making a comeback, as two of the more elusive species, living in remote areas, have been spotted recently,... Read more

    The 18 July 2011 by   Kungfujedi
  • Tour 2011: Rest Day Recap

    Tour 2011: Rest Recap

    Today brings a much deserved respite from the road for the riders in this year's Tour de France. The 2011 race has been plagued with crashes, leaving many of th... Read more

    The 18 July 2011 by   Kungfujedi
  • Richard Parks Completes 737 Challenge

    Richard Parks Completes Challenge

    I've mentioned Richard Parks and his 737 Challenge in the past, but wanted to do a follow-up to report that he has completed the expedition, which had the... Read more

    The 18 July 2011 by   Kungfujedi
  • ESPN Profiles World Tri-Athlete Charlie Wittmack

    ESPN Profiles World Tri-Athlete Charlie Wittmack

    Remember Charlie Wittmack? He was the guy we were following since last summer when he set out on his World Tri, an expedition that included a swim across the... Read more

    The 15 July 2011 by   Kungfujedi
  • Mark Beaumont Joins Team Rowing To Magnetic North Pole

    Mark Beaumont Joins Team Rowing Magnetic North Pole

    Long distance cyclist Mark Beaumont has ditched his bike in favor of a rowboat and oars. The man who once cycled around the world and rode from Alaska to... Read more

    The 14 July 2011 by   Kungfujedi
  • Oswaldo Lopez Wins 2011 Badwater Ultra

    Oswaldo Lopez Wins 2011 Badwater Ultra

    The 2011 Badwater Ultramarathon was run earlier this week, with Oswaldo Lopez claiming the victory. Lopez, who finished second the past two years, finished the... Read more

    The 14 July 2011 by   Kungfujedi
  • Karakoram 2011: Summits On GI!

    Karakoram 2011: Summits

    As mentioned earlier in the week, a projected weather window has indeed opened in the Karakoram, bringing clear skies and a temporary respite from the high wind... Read more

    The 13 July 2011 by   Kungfujedi
  • Waiting Out The Weather On Denali

    Waiting Weather Denali

    As I've mentioned before, Alan Arnette is currently climbing Denali as the fourth leg of his Seven Summits for Alzheimer's project. Having already knocked off... Read more

    The 12 July 2011 by   Kungfujedi

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