Outdoors Magazine

Paperblog Editor's Pick

  • Surfer Girl in the Making

    Surfer Girl Making

    Lanuza surf trip. My first... and certainly not the last. It's always been my dream to learn how to surf. So when the opportunity knocks, I grab it with both... Read more

    The 19 November 2012 by   Synzmemoir
  • Snowboard & Ski Bean; Jackets AW12

    Snowboard Bean; Jackets AW12

    The time of year has come when I'm gazing at snowboard gear and dreaming about the days on the slopes....that's right the snow season is coming! Read more

    The 19 November 2012 by   Annamoss84
  • Video: Mountain Biking In Ethiopia

    I love mountain biking and I love travel. When you combine the two I think it makes a magical mix. That's why I love these videos from destinations that you... Read more

    The 16 November 2012 by   Kungfujedi
  • Video: Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour

    The Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour is always a great opportunity for us to catch some of the best outdoor and adventure films on an annual basis. Read more

    The 15 November 2012 by   Kungfujedi
  • Australian Solar Eclipse [VIDEO]

    No, it’s not technology related. Nor is it social media related. It’s just pretty damn cool. Solar eclipse’s are great. Your humble writer saw one in Germany... Read more

    The 14 November 2012 by   Techdrink
  • Video: Climbing Annapurna's South Face

    Standing 8091 meters (26,545 ft) in height, Annapurna is "only" the 10th tallest mountain on the planet, although it just might be the most difficult to climb. Read more

    The 13 November 2012 by   Kungfujedi
  • How Inaccurate Might Your Chartplotter Be?

    While recently reviewing Nigel Calder's book "How to Read a Nautical Chart," I learned with some consternation that even many US coastal areas have chart... Read more

    The 13 November 2012 by   Sailingguide
  • Surprise Surprise


    We saw our families.On Thursday, November 8, Vikki’s father turned 60 years old, and we flew back to the Bay Area to pop in and surprise him. Read more

    The 13 November 2012 by   Thervproject
  • Antarctica 2012 Update: No Shelter From The Storm

    Antarctica 2012 Update: Shelter From Storm

    The Antarctic season continues to ramp up with more teams arriving in Punta Arenas and preparing to head out to the frozen continent. Read more

    The 12 November 2012 by   Kungfujedi
  • A Lunar Landscape at Craters of the Moon

    Lunar Landscape Craters Moon

    618 square miles of magma. That is the size of the lava field at Craters of the Moon National Park in south-central Idaho. Large enough that it stretches as... Read more

    The 09 November 2012 by   Everywhereonce

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