Outdoors Magazine

Paperblog Editor's Pick

  • Himalaya 2013: Summits On Lhotse And Shishapangma

    Himalaya 2013: Summits Lhotse Shishapangma

    Moving away from Everest for now, there has been a host of activity across other peaks in the Himalaya these past few days as well. Read more

    The 14 May 2013 by   Kungfujedi
  • Do We Have An Adventure Gene?

    Have Adventure Gene?

    Cynthia Thomson testing her theories on Mont BlancListen nowWhy do some athletes reach for the extreme while others enjoy safer, less thrilling pursuits? Is it... Read more

    The 13 May 2013 by   Kimkircher
  • On Dreams and Family

    Dreams Family

    This past weekend, Vikki flew to Phoenix for the weekend to help her college friend Anna celebrate graduation from medical school. I drove her to the airport... Read more

    The 10 May 2013 by   Thervproject
  • Getting GNAR With Robb Gaffney

    Getting GNAR With Robb Gaffney

    Listen nowRobb Gaffney dropping inImagine telling a professional athlete, “I can’t believe you’re a pro. I’m so much better than you.” That’s exactly what the... Read more

    The 06 May 2013 by   Kimkircher
  • Mt Buangor, Beeripmo Walk, Victoria. April 2013.

    Buangor, Beeripmo Walk, Victoria. April 2013.

    Mt Buangor lookout. I may have gone nuts in the last post, detailing the hill climbing pain during the first day of the Beeripmo Walk through Mount Cole State... Read more

    The 04 May 2013 by   Hikingfiasco
  • Morning on the Coast

    Morning Coast

    I got up early for no other reason than to see the morning sun break on California’s incredible coast. This little excursion took me roughly fifty miles along... Read more

    The 03 May 2013 by   Everywhereonce
  • Thank You Green Machine

    Thank Green Machine

    As those of you who have already trekked with us know, we lovingly call our hardest workers, OUR PORTERS, the Green Machine. These guys work endlessly to make... Read more

    The 01 May 2013 by   Alpacaexpeditions
  • Settling Joe’s

    Settling Joe’s

    Spenser and I have been in a back-and-forth injury competition for months. I guess I have the heads up right now, though this is one competition I want both of... Read more

    The 30 April 2013 by   Thervproject
  • The 8th International Ultramarathon Festival 2013 Results

    International Ultramarathon Festival 2013 Results

    Sarah Barnett womens winner in the 6 day race Photo courtesy Athens Ultramarathon FestivalThe 8th International Ultramarathon Festival took place at the... Read more

    The 29 April 2013 by   Abichal
  • 10 Favorite Destinations, Year 3

    Favorite Destinations, Year

    Time certainly does fly when you’re having fun; so much so that it is impossible for us to believe that we’ve really been on the road for three full years. But... Read more

    The 29 April 2013 by   Everywhereonce

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