Jan 17, 2012 by Tatianna

The other day I found the picture above by a complete accident, I still don’t know who the author of that picture so if you know who it is, please tell me so I can give them credit. This pic started an enormous amount of thinking on my part, something inside of me just shifted. Seriously look at it! When did we become so blind? I completely understand that with every generation things change, such as style, ideas and taste, but c’mon when did skin and bones became attractive and stylish, ohh ok I remember the 90s ( LOL ).
From my own personal experience, when I was 17 years old I got to the point of 95 lbs and I still thought I was fat and I am 5 ft 7 in. I am not even going to describe what I looked like, but i’m sure you get the idea. You know why I thought that I was fat? Because looking at magazines and overly thinned actresses and models I just didn’t understand why I didn’t look perfect like them ( I didn’t know about photoshop at that time ). Now when I look back I think, what da hell was I thinking!!! I don’t want to look like that, I love meat and muscle on my bones!!! But as many other women and young girls in this world I have to admit I was heavily influenced by what I saw on the glossy covers, and that obsession turned into years of emotional struggles, I am sure I am not alone here.
The absurd ideas of the media
The other day I was watching TV and I saw one very popular designer talk about an actress who is obviously very unhealthy ( but just a few years ago she was to my opinion in an amazing healthy shape ), and here she was few years later looking like skin and bones, and the designer kept saying that she looks like a work of art. I also want to mention that same designer said he only eats protein bars instead of regular food, and I don’t think I even want to comment on that.
The reality
As women we are generally very hard on our self, we are always one way or another trying to strive for physical perfection. There is nothing wrong with that and I am not saying don’t try to better your self, I am just saying we have to know where to draw the line. In order for us to know where that line is we have to find out who we really are on the inside. We spend a lot of time working on our outside shell, but we spend very little to no time on our inner world, sad but true.
Overcome the illusion
Personally to me, fitness is a much bigger word then just exercise. It goes beyond physical, because being physically fit will take you to the limit, in order to go beyond that limit we have to have a mind that is strong and fit as well. We have to start working on our selves from the inside to overcome the illusion that the media and fashion magazines are trying to cover our eyes with. We have to figure out our individual personality, not something that others want us to be. Next time you are thriving to look a certain way, ask your self a question, how did you come up with this idea? Did this image that you hold in your mind truly came from you and your own opinion? Answer that question honestly, and this will be the first step, the true step you will take towards a better life and health.