Healthy Living Magazine

How to Stick to a Diet

By Geoff Griffiths @mmatraining1980
  1. Have a Specific Plan & Goal

If you say ‘I’m just going to eat healthy’, you’re less likely to succeed than if you have a specific diet or somekind of specific guidelines.

Nail down what you can’t eat e.g. sugar

Have a shopping list. You need to start your diet when you’re doing the food shopping. So don’t shop whilst you’re hungry!

How to Stick to a Diet

Sweet Potatoes are one of the most nutritious sources of carbs

2. Take Ownership

More than likely, whilst your on your diet:

  • Work colleagues will bring in unhealthy food & pressurise you to eat it
  • People will question your motives for being on a diet
  • People will .be quite critical of you – you’ll make them feel insecure if you start to see success
  • Your family will still eat what they want

You can’t blame colleagues or family or people/bellends for any diet failure. Prepare some go-to responses if you have to.

Like “I’m on a diet because I have problems with my self esteem, I would mean a lot of you were supportive”

The opposite of taking ownership is helplessness, or ‘learned helplessness’ AKA playing the victim. Don’t blame other people for anything, unless they’ve got a gun to your head, then you make your own decisions

3. Surround yourself with people on the same mission

This is why Crossfit has been such a success, people love being part of a tribe/community. I certainly wouldn’t be on an alkaline-keto diet if it wasn’t for my mates at the gym who do lots of unconventional things and don’t care what others think.

How to Stick to a Diet

nom noms alkaline goodness

Back to ownership – watch this video, it’ll chance your life:

Finally, consider the “Happiness Quadrant”.

How to Stick to a Diet

All great philosphers, Stoic ones at least, will tell you that behavior on the bottom-right – Hedonist activities, should only be engaged in occasionally.

Hedonist seek pleasure without much regard for the future or for self development. Snorting coke, drinking, gambling, eating junk food, would fall under this quarter. Don’t seek pleasure if it causes future-detriment and has no meaning.

Focus on your journey, focus on why you are on your diet/path and stick to it.

Avoid the Instant Gratification Monkey. He is a right little bastard & he will knock you off track.

How to Stick to a Diet

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