Maybe your swimsuit hasn’t seen the light of day this year, but it is definitely right around the corner.. You are seeing them in stores and in catalogs, and many people have already had spring break.
Let’s make bathing suit shopping a little less painful this year by making some simple changes to our diet and workout. We can’t change the terrible dressing room lighting, but we can definitely take control of our health and be a little more confident standing under the lights of shame.

Chug, chug, chug!

Water that is. Getting into the habit now will prepare you for those hot summer days when dehydration is more common. Also, drinking enough water will help manage your calorie consumption.
Incorporate full body exercises – Using compound moves (moves that target more than one muscle group) will allow you to burn the most calories, plus, doing them in a circuit will double as a cardio workout. So, you are burning fat while building lean muscle.

Find the right suit for your body type – The right bathing suit can make you look like you just got a boob job, butt lift or tummy tuck. Find one that accentuates your assets and covers the less- flattering areas. Here is a good guide.
Eat your greens – Most vegetables are a good source of fiber, this means filling full longer with fewer calories.

Bonus: they have been linked to reducing your risk of many diseases (heart disease, cancer etc.)
Reduce sodium intake- Consuming too much sodium can cause you to retain water, which can lead to bloating. Many processed foods contain too much sodium, so be sure to check labels and if you buy canned beans, be sure to get the low- sodium option.
Steer clear of artificial sweeteners- These will cause major bloating (high sugar alcohol content) and increases cravings.
Get over your cardio crush and hit the weight room- You can run until the cows come home, but if you don’t build lean muscles you will be, I believe the technical term is, ‘skinny fat’. Lifting weights will not only get you a sleek, toned body, but it also burns more calories after you have quick your workout. So hit the weight room, and remember, don’t be afraid of heavy weights!
Avoid processed foods- Not only do they contain gross chemicals that could have number of damaging effects to our body, most of the time they contain an extremely high amount of sodium which causes bloating. Do yourself a favor and READ LABELS. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it.

What are some ways you prepare for swimsuit weather?
Do you cringe every you go into a dressing room?