Fitness Magazine

Fitness Friday: Back to Boot Camp

By Fitnspicy @fitnspicy

I am so excited to be participating in another round of boot camp! Great workouts that keep the gym interesting. I find that I stay the most motivated when I have a program to follow,  I like being able to bring my notebook filled with my workouts and follow along. It makes my workouts so much more efficient, no wandering aimlessly or trying to figure out what exercise to do next.


What I love about Boot Camp


  1. Structured workouts!
  2. A list of potential exercise substitutions.
  3. Knowing what I will be doing for the next 2 months.
  4. Moves like surrender squats. They are so darn hard.


Workout Recap


Sunday- Workout A

Monday- Workout B

Tuesday- Yoga Sculpt

Wednesday- Off

Thursday- Workout C

Friday- Thinking about a yoga class tonight. It will depend on how sore I am still feeling by this evening.




Even after all the years of weight lifting I am still sore. It’s a good sore but it was noticeable enough that I iced my knee one evening. Having had multiple surgeries on my left knee due to an ACL tear I am always aware of my form when lifting and making sure I stay active. Active = Functioning knee! Thanks to ACE for sending me a reusable cold compress. It has come in handy my first week back to Boot Camp!


Reusable Cold Compress

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