Nerve Cells
Although we tend to think about the nervous system only when we’re feeling stressed (or nervous!), your nervous system is essential for your survival. Basically, it provides the following essential functions:- Controls background processes that keep your body alive and healthy, such breathing, maintaining normal temperature, and adjusting blood pressure to match activity.
- Responds to external stimuli (which come in through our senses), such as having a positive reaction to a beautiful smell, a pain response to a burn, or a quick reaction to an oncoming car
- Obeys our conscious mental instructions, such as to talk, move, or breathe more slowly.
- Treating conditions that can negatively impact the system, such as diabetes and hypertension.
- Avoiding alcohol and drugs that affect the nervous system.
- Decreasing use of over-the-counter medications, because as you get older, these can negatively affect your nervous system.
- Testing your hearing and vision regularly (when they are not working well the brain has a harder time recording information).
- Cultivating brain health (see 6 Ways to Foster Brain Health with Yoga).