Baxter Bell in Nature by Melina Meza
If you’ve been reading our blog for any length of time, you've surely noticed the beautiful photographs by Melina Meza that we often use in our posts. Melina is both a long-time yoga teacher and a photographer (find out more about her Recently, these two passions have come together in a new series of photographs she has done called “Yogis in Nature.”“Yogis in Nature” is a unique collection of yogi portraits inspired by Ann Dyer’s vision to see Mountain Yoga’s teachers and staff immersed in the natural elements surrounding Montclair Village. Melina explains:"Historically, yogis have always practiced yoga in nature and this return to nature for portrait work led to some stunning images of yogis dancing with the elements or quietly listening and responding to the impulse of nature."Within the health science of Ayurveda, there is a belief that nature heals and that we are composed of the same basic five elements—ether, air, fire, water, and earth—as every material object around us. Through this lens, I aimed to capture the powerful union between person and place, and to bear witness to the joy that arises when we return to nature as a place for healing."I’d also like to point out that in keeping with our Yoga for Healthy aging body image message that “every body is a yoga body,” the yogis in this series are of a variety of ages, races, and body types.Now I’m thrilled to announce that Melina will be having an exhibit of this new series of photographs at Mountain Yoga in Oakland, California. There will be an opening reception on November 21.yogis in nature: a photography exhibitionby melina mezaOpening Reception Friday, November 21, 7 - 8:30 pm
Mountain Yoga
2071 Antioch Court, Suite 100
Oakland, CA. 94611
510.339.6421 For those of you who are not local or who cannot attend the exhibition, Melina will be creating a special flickr account where you can view and/or purchase her Yogis in Nature photographs. I’ll add a link to that account on this page as soon as her account is activated.To end, here’s another photograph and quote from Melina about this series:

Ann Dyer Cervantes by Melina Meza
“In Nature my muse comes alive with the company of the elements: gazing at clouds, playing with reflections, driving down the freeway pre-sunset, kneeling before plants of all kinds, and capturing the personality of the seasons with one simple click of the camera. I believe that being creative is food for the soul and look forward to each opportunity to walk out into nature, camera as my companion, and chase the light.”Subscribe to YOGA FOR HEALTHY AGING by Email ° Follow Yoga for Healthy Aging on Facebook