I caught the film when it was originally released back in 2010 and I've had the opportunity to watch it now on BluRay and I can honestly say that it is one of the more intense and gripping films that you could ever hope to see. The acting is fantastic, the cinematography is outstanding and the attention to detail is wonderful, particularly in vintage gear that is on display. This is a top notch film in every way and should not be confused with the likes of Cliffhanger or K2.
As I mentioned yesterday, I have two copies of North Face to give away to readers. If you own a BluRay player and would like to win a copy, simply send me an email at [email protected] with a subject that reads "North Face" and in the body of the message, tell me the name of the mountain the teams in the film are attempting to climb. That's all there is to it. I'll take entries all week long and pick winners late in the day on Friday. Good luck! I know that you'll enjoy this film!