Health Magazine

Why Regular Exercise Isn’t Enough to Stay Healthy

By Rojer @healthxwellness
Why Regular Exercise Isn’t Enough to Stay Healthy

Some people are under the impression that by regularly exercising, they don’t have to worry about their health in other ways.

This, unfortunately, is a widely-held misconception. Just because you lift weights every other day, this doesn’t excuse you from gorging on a packet of crisps every few hours.

This article aims to explain to you why regular exercise isn’t going to be enough to keep you healthy. There are a lot of other things you have to do in order to attain a completely healthy lifestyle; this article goes through a few of them.

Do away with the unhealthy things in your life

If you work an office job where you have to stare at a screen the entire day, the last thing you should do is go home and stare at a screen again. Give your eyes a rest – you need to keep them healthy too. Sell your videogames off on a website like, and try to find more active uses for your spare time.

Try and work out what other unhealthy habits you have, and how you can get rid of them.

Ensure you receive proper nutrition

While exercising regularly, you’re going to require the adequate nutrition to make sure your body is actually benefitting from the strain you’re putting it through. If you’re giving your body disproportionate nutrition and putting it through exercise at the same time, you will end up doing more damage than good.

Regular Exercise

Regular Exercise

You’ll find that you’ll feel constantly exhausted and sapped of all your energy, unless you manage to eat the right kinds of foods. This is vital if you want your body working at its optimum condition.

Complement your exercise with healthy living

Working out a few hours in the gym every few days – and then being mostly sedentary for the rest of your week – isn’t good for you. You still need to burn calories, and sitting around in your spare time isn’t really going to cut it.

If you can, walk to work, or cycle. Take the stairs over the elevator every time. If you’re sitting at a desk during work, make sure you get up every half an hour to do some stretching and loosening of the legs.

Exercise properly

A lot of people get exercising wrong, quite frequently. For instance, if you’re a runner, you need to make sure you have the right type of shoes and that you’re not running with improper technique on a hard surface. This can be very damaging to your spine.

Likewise, if you’re lifting weights – or doing any exercise whatsoever – warming up beforehand, and then stretching afterwards, is vital.

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