Many of us spend a lot of time keeping up with modern entertainment, films, and TV shows that we love. Quite often, there will be a celebrity or TV character who sets the trend in the fashion world. The obvious Gucci and Louis Vuitton. Featured heavily with the rich and famous, and we would all love to be able to keep up with the style icons. But how do celebrities and entertainers, and even pop stars influence fashion? And what can we learn from the efforts they make?

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Unusual choices
Many a-listers turn up on a red carpet with fabulous and unusual outfits, which are accessorized to the max, we all love to look at these and try and emulate their style. Many companies look at these choices and pick up the style to replicate for the general public. Very occasionally, a celebrity will pick something off the high street, and this helps to keep the trends Accessible for everyone. But it’s really the catwalk styles and the red carpet creations that wouldn’t look out of place in a Hollywood museum that we love to look at and feel inspired by.
Amazing Creative
Celebrities generally have photoshoots set up on style sets and share phenomenal photography, that we can all admire. This really helps people enjoy fashion, and effort that goes into their style, there are also creations explicitly made for TV shows or films that become iconic and appreciated by people around the world. Slight influences on styles, and the trends that follow these styles
Social Media
Social media has become a style and fashion platform in its own right. Not only are movie stars and famous people sharing their clothing choices, but there are bloggers, bloggers, and influences regularly sharing the thoughts and opinions on the latest fashion. Many brands choose to work with influences, and celebrities pushy clothing with the world. Many influencers and famous people have a massive following on social media, which is highly valuable to these brands. For those of us who really enjoy following the famous and their lives on social media, there is no end to the content we get to see. It’s interesting to see how trends are changing over time, and there doesn’t seem to be one particular style that dominates for very long. Social media is taking over as the most lucrative way to share information and advertising. So it only makes sense for entertainers to share this type of content with the world, and enjoy seeing how the public follow!
We are living in a time where the rules around fashion aren’t necessarily set in stone. It’s exciting since everyone gets to choose what they love and run with it. Of course, we are always going to see specific trends, and some of them even came from the past to reawaken, but having fun with fashion and style can be just the distraction we need from our busy lives. Entertainment in the form of programs, box sets and films are essential in our current culture!
This post was a collaboration.
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