The big race weekend is finally here! I can hardly believe it. I am beyond excited to run the NYC Marathon. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I can't imagine a better last day in New York. I'm going to wave goodbye to every borough and soak in every mile of what I know will be an incredible race.
Like any runner before a big race, I've been checking the weather religiously. I don't want to jinx anything, but it looks like we're going to have a pretty great day! The prediction is a high of 56 and sunny with low humidity.
With that it mind, I've got my race day outfit all picked out! All of this gear is tried and true. It's all my favorite stuff that I know will treat me well for 26.2 miles. Let's dig in!

I wanted to wear something that showed off my Brooklyn pride, so I bought this cap right before the Brooklyn Greenway Half. It's officially my new favorite running item.
I bought this tank when I ran The Dopey Challenge earlier this year, and it's officially my favorite shirt to run in. Beyond that, I want to wear this during the marathon to remind myself that if I can run 48.6 miles, 26.2 ain't no thang! Right? I'll let you know how that strategy pans out!
I have an older version of this water bottle, but it's served me well for years. It holds 16oz of water, is comfortable to carry, and has a pocket to hold my phone and other essentials.
Not only do these leggings look awesome, but they've performed really well on my long runs. They have mesh paneling, which will help keep me cool once the temps start to rise, and of course, they're sweat-wicking to keep me dry.
I ran my first marathon in Reeboks, and these babies have been good to me during training. I've been careful to run enough miles to know they'll be good for the long haul but not enough miles that they'll crap out on me mid race.
This is another must for a comfortable race. I rub this stuff on anywhere I'm prone to chaffing, and I mean ANYWHERE! Feet, under the bra strap, my inner thighs - even my butt cheeks! Yep, I went there.
Oh, my beloved TomTom. Do me a solid and keep me on pace, would you? Bonus points if you stay in sync with the mile markers!
Shoes won't get you too far without good socks. I'm kind of in love with my Feetures. They're incredibly comfortable, the tab keeps them from slipping down and causing blisters, there's no irritating seam at the toe, and they're just so colorful!
I got this SPIbelt a while back and never run a long run without it. It's perfect for stashing all the fuel I'll need for the race.
Speaking of fuel, I'd be nothing without my PROBAR Bolt Energy Chews. I actually had a marathon dream the other night that I ran the whole race without fueling and didn't realize until I crossed the finish line. I was so worried I was going to be injured and never run again. I didn't dream about being late to the start or forgetting my bib or not being able to find my shoes. Nope. I dream about the race being over and having not eaten. It just goes to show a runner needs her sugar boost!
I'll also have some throw away layers to stay warm while I wait for the race to start. That basically consists of an old sweatshirt and a heat sheet I saved from the NYC Half.
Last but not least, I'll be wearing my bib! I'm #30267 if you want to ! If you'll be out watching, let me know where you'll be stationed, and I'll keep an eye out for you!
What are your Fit & Fashionable plans for the weekend? Add your link to the link up below! Anything fitness, fashion or health-focused is fair game, but you can check out the full link up rules here.

Let's Chat:
Will you be watching the NYC Marathon?
What's your race day must have?