Diet & Weight Magazine

What’s the Deal with Multivitamins {DISCOUNT}

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

Howdy-ho, my fit & focused friends! Can you believe we’re half way through January already? It’s going to be 2016 before we know it! I’ve been work work workin’ toward one of my biggest goals of the year: to become a NASM Certified Personal Trainer. My exam is less than a week away (EEK!!!).

Needless to say, I’ve been studying like a madwoman. Muscle synergies, muscle actions, acute variables, nutrition – cue head spinning. One of the last chapters is all about supplementation. It’s no Gone Girl, but it’s pretty darn interesting. 

What’s even more interesting is that while I was deep diving into vitamins and minerals and their effect on the body, Centrum reached out and asked if I’d like to try their multivitamin. I had just finished reading about the benefits of a multivitamin and decided I should give one a try. Is Centrum’s freakishly good timing coincidence? Or are they in cahoots with the NASM cPT study Gods (who totally exist, be-tee-dubs)? 

Centrum & NASM via Fitful Focus #multivitamin #centrum #nasm #health

Note: I am participating in a sponsored campaign hosted by Centrum®. I received compensation for this post. While all opinions stated are my own, I make no claims about Centrum® as a product or its effectiveness. 

I quickly dropped my investigation into this potential marketing scheme* when my Centrum came in the mail and I opened it up to discover they’re orange!

Orange is the happiest color via Fitful Focus #multivitamin #healthy #orange

Orange is my favorite color. It’s so bright and happy. The Sultan of Swoon agrees.

Since my little bottle of healthy joy arrived, I’ve been adding Centrum to my daily routine. It’s too soon to say if I feel a difference yet, but I can tell you what I know (thanks to Centrum and my astute cPT studying skills) about the benefits of a multivitamin. Here’s the L to the oh-down: 

A multivitamin can help make up for the essential nutrients you may not be getting from your diet. Of course, it’s totally possible to get everything you need from a healthy diet, but it’s not all that easy. Get this: in order to get the right amount of all 29 essential nutrients our bodies need to function at 100% (29?! gosh, we’re needy!), we’d need to eat the right amount of fruits, veggies, protein, and complex carbs at every. single. meal. Every. Single. Day. Do you do that? Don’t feel badly. In the US it’s been estimated that 90% of adults don’t get the required amount of nutrients they need. 90%! The US gets an A in deficiency. GO us! Oh wait… that’s a bad thing… we fail! Fail, US. Fail.

But seriously, who tracks their vitamin and mineral intake? When I look at a label, I might pay attention to the calories, fat, protein, carbs, and maybe even sodium and cholesterol, but I’m probably not looking at the vitamin and mineral content. 

Nutrition Label Via Fitful Focus #nutrition #label #vitamins #centrum

Some of the most difficult nutrients to get from food alone are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Magnesium, and Calcium. This lactard definitely doesn’t get enough calcium.

Taking a multivitamin like Centrum means I don’t have to worry about tracking another thing. I just pop my little vitamin of happiness and I’m set.

To play devil’s advocate, I know that some vitamins and minerals can be toxic to the body if taken in access, but all of the nutrients in Centrum fall well below the safe upper levels, so no worries there!

Interested in hopping on the multivitamin bandwagon? Head on over here to find the Centrum® that is right for you and get $4 OFF. Oh yea! Healthy savings in the bag! I’m taking the general adult multivitamin (Hear that? I’m an adult!) but they also have multivitamins specifically for women, for men, for different ages, vitamins that come as chewables, vitamins that come as liquids – they pretty much have everything! I don’t know if all of them are orange, though – I know that’s important to you…

Do you really need to take a #multivitamin + the lowdown and a #DISCOUNT from @Centrum
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Let’s Chat:
Do you take a multivitamin?
Do you get excited over the color of simple things, like a vitamin tablet?
Favorite vitamin or mineral. GO! I like Vitamin A because A is for AWESOME!

*I didn’t really investigate Centrum. Though, I would look pretty cool in a trench coat and a fedora. Maybe I could rock that stuff while singing some Frank Sinatra songs? On second thought, I don’t think anyone’s ears would appreciate 

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