Outdoors Magazine

Video: What Is Adventure Racing?

Posted on the 02 February 2012 by Kungfujedi @Kungfujedi
Adventure racing is one of those outdoor sports that is difficult to convey to people who have never seen or heard of it before. The concept of a team of athletes, competing in a race that goes on for days, often in remote corners of the globe, just doesn't make an impact on people who are unfamiliar with how much dedication and training goes into preparing for an event.
The video below, which seems to be the first in a new series entitled Wild Racers, serves as a good introduction to the sport, giving viewers a glimpse of the action – not to mention suffering – that the racers go through while out on a course. It is beautifully shot by a company called NuthinButShorts out of Australia and holds a lot of promise for future episodes.
WILD RACERS :: WHAT IS ADVENTURE RACING? from NothinButShorts International on Vimeo.

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