OK so it’s not a fitness festival, but I wanted to showcase some of the beautiful behind-the-scenes encounters from when we shot our collaboration with Urban Outfitters in Venice – including this fun little blog video :) Travelling has always been one of the things I savour most in life. Growing up, I’d plastered maps on my walls, and installed a globe by my bedside, to let my imagination roam as my mind drifted off! Then, as well as now, if I’m ever feeling a bit down, I’ll conjure images of all the exciting places I’m yet to visit; the romantic, sinking city of Venice was always one of them, and this little ‘active escape’ was the perfect opportunity to check it off the list. Jogging around the canals was a great way to get to know the place a little better, and cancelled out a few of those irresistibly delicious Italian lattes! Click MORE to see all the snaps of my Venetian finds…

When you arrive in Venice, it all sort of instantly happens – you get on a boat from the mainland and then suddenly you’re enveloped by buildings literally flourishing from within the turquoise-green waters around you. It instills a film-set like sense of having arrived in a city which is completely illogical, unsustainable, downright bonkers… which makes it all the more magical. The architecture is so Italian – ornate, expressive, gesticulatory, really OTT, and absolutely stunning. You sort of pray it’s not all going to suddenly give way and collapse into the water!

One thing that hits you instantly: they love Masks. I arrived soon after the Venice Carnival, during which everyone masquerades around the city in full panto-costume, with ornate headgear and extravagant regalia stealing the show! I couldn’t resist…

During my trip, I stayed at the gorgeous Hotel Danieli which contains possibly the purest expression of ‘Italian decor’ I’ve ever seen. It occupies super-prime real estate, situated on one of the main waterfront promenades overlooking the venetian lagoons. Despite being one of the most iconic institutions of hospitality in Venice, if you’re not paying attention you could easily miss it; that’s quite something in a city where everything is loud and tourist-attracting. From the outside it’s a gorgeous orange building but you wouldn’t think it a hotel. When you enter, you’re greeted by an unexpected high ceiling carved in beautiful wood and italian trinkets as far as you can see. My favourite part of the hotel was the beautiful terrace on the 6th floor which overlooks the beautiful bay outside. You can watch the sunset whilst sipping the most gorgeous beeline or a fresh mint tea.

The hotel is a mere hop-and-a-skip from Piazza San Marco, the cultural heart of the city, to which all the authentic streets and little canals are connected like veins.

You also get treated to some epic evening delights, courtesy of mother nature;

More fitness-related content coming soon, and thanks for allowing me a brief foray into travel :D Faya x