

Richard Badalamente writes fiction and non-fiction on a variety of topics ranging from speculative fiction, and espionage, to science and technology, research, and alternative futures. He is a former US Air Force officer, and was a senior analyst with the National Security Directorate of a US government National Laboratory, where his focus was nuclear nonproliferation, counterintelligence, and counter terrorism.


  • An Unexpected Error http://anunexpectederror.blogspot.com/

    Richard Badalamente was a senior analyst with a Department of Energy national laboratory. His focus was nuclear nonproliferation, counterintelligence, and counter terrorism. He was assigned to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna in 1990-92, where he authored the 1991-95 Strategic Plan for Safeguards, and assisted the IAEA in evaluating the safeguards implications of events in Iraq. In late 2002, he was detailed to the Pentagon to assist in planning for Operation Iraqi freedom. He is now a writer living in Kennewick, Washington.