watching way too much
Daily TV Ratings, & Social Buzz tracking, tv reviews, entertainment and TV facts, premiere dates and finales
The First WWTM News Consumption Poll Results Are IN!
A bit of a housekeeping note...WWTM is up at least 15 minutes earlier on most days on Facebook and Twitter. So for all of you in the throws of commuting who... Read more
Posted on 19 June 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
You Have to Leave Them Wanting More NBC...I Hope You Pay Attention!
The answer to Monday's Trivia Question: Freaks & Geeks, Glee and the Wonder Years all had the same High School Name...McKinley. FIRST FIVE: Beth... Read more
Posted on 18 June 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Not Much...just Real Housewives and Then I Was out for the Count!
The answer to Friday's Trivia Question: Lily Tucker Pritchett has 2 Dad: Cameron and Mitch on the show Modern Family FIRST FIVES: Elke Raskob,... Read more
Posted on 17 June 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is Back! I Totally Forgot All About It!
To all my readers out there who are Father's...Happy Father's Day! The answer to Thursday's Trivia Question: Jack Arnold was Kevin Arnold's dad on The Wonder... Read more
Posted on 14 June 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Spike's Guys Choice Awards...a Fun Show!
The answer to Wednesday's Trivia Question: Laverne DeFazio's Dad was Frank DeFazio on Laverne and Shirley FIRST FIVES: Bobby Aguilera, James Gabriele,... Read more
Posted on 13 June 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Not Much Today Really...tonight is the Spike Guys Choice Awards...that Should...
The answer to Tuesday's Trivia Question: Eddie Corbett's dad was "Mr Eddie's Father" aka Tom Corbett FIRST FIVES:Bobby Aguilera, Neil Moffatt, Mike... Read more
Posted on 12 June 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Two Different Critics Choice Idea What the Differences Are...but I...
The answer to Monday's Trivia Question: Frank Costanza was George's Dad on Seinfeld, played brilliantly by Jerry Stiller. FIRST FIVE: Neil... Read more
Posted on 11 June 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Honey...I'm Home but I Lost an Arm...that's Okay dear...I'm Set to Marry Sir...
The answer to Friday's Trivia Question: Mindy Colette was Tyra Colette's sister, she married Billy Riggins and they had Steven(Stevie) on the best show ever,... Read more
Posted on 10 June 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
The Hero and 72 Hours...I Did Find Something to Watch Last Night
The answer to Thursday's Trivia Question: Vera was Norm Peterson's wife on Cheers. FIRST FIVES: Bobby Aguilera, David Gorin, Bill McLaughlin, He Who... Read more
Posted on 07 June 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Finally Something Fun to Watch. CMT Awards!
The answer to Wednesday's Trivia Question: The Lost gang were all on Oceanic flight 815 FIRST FIVES: Beth Hoff, Sue McNamara, Michael O'Dea, Monica... Read more
Posted on 06 June 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
UGH...I Hate the Month of June...this Blog Sucks Then! At Least Tonight I've...
The answer to Tuesday's Trivia Question: Alyssa Milano played Samantha Micelli on Who's the Boss. FIRST FIVES:Elke Raskob, Samantha Baril, Jim Carter... Read more
Posted on 05 June 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
I Hate This Time of Year...a Million Channels and Nothing Juicy on...BIG...
The answer to Monday's Trivia Question: Jim and Pam got married in Niagra Falls on The Office. FIRST FIVE: Tara Dowling, Samantha Baril, Bobby... Read more
Posted on 04 June 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Are You Kidding Me with This Game of Thrones Stuff?
Jim Carter is the May Trivia Contest Winner! Congratulations Jim. All scores are reset to zero for the month of June. Remember that all correct answers count... Read more
Posted on 03 June 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Two Nights of No TV and I'm Not Even Grounded!
The answer to Thursday's Trivia Question: Dwayne, Roger and RERUN!!! The show was What's Happening and I'm glad that SO many of you not only knew the answer, bu... Read more
Posted on 31 May 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Watched a Whole Lot of Little League Last Night and Nothing on TV At All
The answer to Wednesday's Trivia Question: Tim Taylor's youngest son on Home Improvement was Mark Taylor FIRST FIVES:Sue McNamara, Monica Caraffa, James... Read more
Posted on 30 May 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Sorry About the Nurse Jackie Screw Up!
The answer to Tuesday's Trivia Question: Michael Evans, was Florida and James Evans' youngest child. FIRST FIVES: James Gabriele, Candace Gorin, Bill... Read more
Posted on 29 May 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
A Long Road Trip Means WWTM Can Go on a Vacation and STILL Watch WAY Too Much!
The answer to Thursday's Trivia Question: Phil Dunphy's Mom's name was Gracie or Grace was acceptable too. FIRST FIVES: Bobby Aguilera, Bob... Read more
Posted on 28 May 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Nashville...Now That's How You Do a Finale!
The answer to Wednesday's Trivia Question: Phillip Phillips was last years American Idol winner. FIRST FIVES: Heather Doyle, Bill McLaughlin, Sue... Read more
Posted on 23 May 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Not Much News and Not Much On...
The answer to Tuesday's Trivia Question: Ted Mosby was planning to move to Chicago during last weeks How I Met Your Mother season finale. FIRST... Read more
Posted on 22 May 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO -
Timmy and Russell Finally Tie the Knot!
The answer to Monday's Trivia Question: During The Office series finale, Phyllis carried Angela down the aisle to Guns & Roses "Sweet Child O Mine". It was... Read more
Posted on 21 May 2013 ENTERTAINMENT, TV & VIDEO