Fitness Magazine

Update Post Since Day 5 of My 2013 Program

By Nuwave
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Hey everyone it’s been a while since my last post here detailing my 2013 workout program days. If you haven’t been following me on my YouTube channel then you’re definitely missing out but that’s okay! Basically I’ve still been doing my workouts as best as possible but they don’t feel 100% because I haven’t been putting them as top priority. I would always try to push them off until later at night. I tell myself I’ll workout at 6pm or 7pm then it turns into 9PM or 10PM. Who wants to workout at 10PM unless your schedule is used to it? Then I get into the habit of skipping it or only doing like 10% of the workout.

Of course that wont bring the progressive overload changes I want. Not only that but I had the stomach flu a few weeks ago which had me very sick puking up 8-10 times a day for two days. During that time I lost about 5-6lbs. I know most of it was water weight but I still haven’t gotten my appetite back to tackle 3000+ calories per day. Right now I’m actually struggling to want to eat 2000 calories per day but I’m seriously working on that lol. My weight has dropped down considerably from what I was at. My highest achieved weight was about 158lbs in December 2012 I think. Within 3 months I’ve dropped down to 142 so thats a quick 16lbs lost. I’m not happy with that number at all but I can look at it almost like a “reset” button. It made me lose some fat (along with muscle…) but I’ve cut up a little bit and now can start bulking again hoping for no more pitfalls along the way.

My workout program still consists of a modified starting strength incorporating pull ups and other exercises. I enjoy it quite a bit and the weights I have are still doing the job perfectly. It’s really up to me to just show up and do my best!

Expect more blog posts in the future along with videos on my YouTube channel so don’t forgot to subscribe there !

Until next time

Remember to be the change!


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