Diet & Weight Magazine

The Ultimate Coffee Date – May

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

Happy Saturday! I know I don’t usually come atcha on the weekend, but I wanted to participate in the Ultimate Coffee Date link up with Deborah, Lynda, and Coco to catch you up on some things. So grab a cup of joe and come join me!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you how excited I am that we are sitting outside. Yep, we are sitting outside having coffee (and a mimosa). When the weather gets nice in NYC, all the little cafes and restaurants open up onto the sidewalks. It’s glorious! So, you and I are having coffee outside right now. There’s a tiny little park and a blossoming tree across the street. It’s glorious.

Tree in NYC via @FitfulFocus

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you I’ve been obsessively looking up training plans for the Dopey Challenge. I still can’t believe I signed up for this, and I have no idea how to train. I have four different tabs open on my computer right now with different plans. Should I train for a fall marathon and do some back-to-back training runs the last 8 week so before race? How many “simulation” weeks should I have? Why am I such a dope?

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I got to try the new Quest Bar: Mint Chocolate Chunk. It’s officially my new favorite. So good. 

Mint Chocolate Chunk Quest Bar via @FitfulFocus

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you how excited I am for Will to come home tonight. He’s been on a cruise with his sister (brother/sister bonding trip) and didn’t have cell service for a week. I was in LA the week before that, so I haven’t seen him in almost two weeks and having talked to him in one! It’s the longest we’ve ever gone without talking and I miss him! (cue the aweeeees – go ahead, get it out). 

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that this puppy was in the commercial I shot last week in LA. It’s such a little baby, it didn’t even have a name yet. I’m thinking we should call her… Mallow (like marshmallow). Or maybe Tulip. idk…

Puppy via @FitfulFocus

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I recently made up a new smoothie bowl: Mocha Maca. It has coffee in it, so maybe we’re having these instead of regular java! 

Mocha Maca Smoothie Bowl via @FitfulFocus

First Saturday of the month means it’s time for the Ultimate Coffee Date #LINKUP! Come join me!
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Ok, so I’ve been doing a lot of talking during this coffee date. Tell me what’s up with you?! 

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