Diet & Weight Magazine

The Hanukkah WOD

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

In the spirit of Hanukkah, take on the sweat inducing Hanukkah WOD: 8 rounds of 8 reps of 8 moves!

The Hanukkah WOD | Wild Workout Wednesday | Holiday Workout | Crossfit Workout

Welcome to another great Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up where Annmarie from The Fit Foodie Mama, Angelena Marie from Angelena Marie: Happy, Healthy & Balanced, Michelle at Fruition Fitness and I bring you workout ideas, motivation, inspiration and recipes to try. Join us each week by reading along, linking up and grab the button to proudly display on your blog/in your posts! 

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Since we’re right smack in the middle of Hanukkah, I thought it’d be fun to put together a CrossFit-inspired workout for you all. Never tried CrossFit? Have no fear (and also check out this and this for CrossFit beginner tips)! These moves don’t require crazy weights or moves you won’t be familiar with, but the toughness comes in the length of the workout. Trust me, it’ll have you burning hotter than a menorah on the last night of Hanukkah! So put down those latkes and get to taking on the miracle that is The Hanukkah WOD!

The Hanukkah WOD | Wild Workout Wednesday | Holiday Workout | Crossfit Workout

How to do the moves:

Push-Ups: Head over here to see how to do the perfect push-up. The goal is to get your chest all the way down and touching the floor. Feel free to drop to your knees to modify.

Box Jumps: Stand in front of a box or step. Bend at the knees and jump up, landing with both feet on the box/step. Extend your knees, so that you are fully standing before hopping or stepping back down. Repeat. To modify, use a lower box/step or step up instead of jumping.*

DoubleUnders: Jump rope as your normally would, but speed up the flick of your wrists so the rope travels under your feet twice in one jump. To modify, do 24 singleunders (regular jump rope).** Check out when I first learned how to do doubleunders!

Burpees: Start standing with feet hip-width apart. Jump or step feet back and drop your hands under your shoulders (so you land in a plank position). Jump your feet back in and hop back up to stand, clapping your hands overhead as you do so. Repeat as soon as you land. (Note: Usually, you do a push-up after jumping back, but since you are doing those earlier in the workout, I’ve omitted them here. If you want to really push yourself, go for the push-up!).

Mountain Climbers: Start in a plank position. Keeping your core engaged, bring your right knee in toward your chest. Return to starting position and repeat with your left knee. That’s one rep. Repeat as quickly as possible.

Air Squats: Stand with feet about hip width apart, feet turned slightly out. Send your hips back and drop down into a squat as low as you can go, keeping your torso upright and knees pointed out. You don’t have to stop at 90 degrees if you have the mobility to drop down further. Stand back up to starting position and repeat.

Sit-Ups: Lay on your back and lay with legs in a butterfly position (the bottoms of the feet touching and knees pointed out to the sides). Point your arms straight overhead. With your core engaged, sit up and reach your hands toward your feet. Return back to start in a slow and controlled manner. Repeat.

Lunges: Start with feet hip width apart. Keeping your torso upright, step your right leg forward and bend at knee, allowing your left knee to drop toward the floor. Propel off the right foot and return to start. That’s one rep. Repeat with the left leg.

Workout tips:

Pace yourself! Don’t go out too quickly.
Take breaks and modify if you need to.
Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate!

This Hanukkah WOD will have you burning hotter than a full menorah! #wildworkoutwednesday
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Before we get to the linkups, be sure to check out the TWO awesome giveaways I have going on right now!

Under Armour Giveaway | Fit & Fashionable Friday
Nektar Naturals Pourable Honey Crystals

Now let’s see how wild you’re getting with those workouts! Full linkup rules here.

An InLinkz Link-up

Let’s Chat:
How are you getting your sweat on during Hanukkah?
Do the workout and let me know your time!

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