Readers will find all kinds of interesting content in the latest issue, including excellent gear suggestions and reviews, profiles of great trail options, and an awesome interview with legendary mountain runner Sjors Corporaal, who seemingly burst onto the New Zealand running scene, and has dominated some of the tougher races there. The mag also takes a look at some of the toughest races down under and the latest trends in trail running shoes, including the popular barefoot craze.
As usual, the Trail Run is filled with great photos to accompany the excellent articles, and it can now be purchased in a high quality "mook" format. A mook falls somewhere between a magazine and a book, for those who prefer reading offline.
If you like the look and content in Trail Run, than stay tuned for more big things from the team who is delivering this great magazine. I've heard through the grapevine they would like to turn their attention to our other favorite outdoor sports, like climbing and paddling as well. If Trail Run is any indication of what their other projects will be like, I'm excited to see what they bring to the table.