by Beth
This is part 6 in my series on the chakras. The last post focused on Anahata (Heart) chakra, and how we sense, feel, and express love and compassion. This post will explore Vishuddha (Throat) chakra.
Vishuddha translates as purification. It is considered the connecting point between the heart and the head. The energy of this chakra is associated with the jaw, tongue, mouth, neck, larynx, and the thyroid and parathyroid glands of the endocrine system. The element is space.There are important life lessons connected to the energy of this chakra. Here are three from my most trusted sources on the chakra system, Anodea Judith, Carolyn Myss, and Joseph Le Page:
- Attunement to the subtle energies between the heart, brain, and higher consciousness.
- Communication—finding one’s voice and expressing it responsibly.
- Surrender—taking right action and releasing attachment to the outcomes.
Challenges—Unhelpful Core Beliefs
- Distraction: Difficulty experiencing silence in meditation and contentment in daily living.
- Attachments: difficulty releasing attachment to people, things and the outcomes of our own actions
- Deficiency: experiencing ourselves as lacking and incomplete.
Choices—Helpful Core Beliefs
- Focus: Listening to our truth as it speaks to us within silence and meditation.
- Non-attachment: Viewing material things and the outcomes of our actions as signs on the path to awakening to our true being.
- Wholeness: Recognizing that we are already whole and works-in-progress at the same time.
Supported Half-Shoulderstand With a Block (Ardha Sarvangasana)This pose is said to bring blood and prana to the upper body, help cultivate a sense of serenity, and stimulate the fifth chakra. You can exchange the pose with Viparita Karani, Legs Up the Wall pose for similar effects.
Contraindications: Those with neck, shoulder, or back issues, uncontrolled high blood pressure, pregnancy, stroke, glaucoma, and acid reflux should practice with caution or avoid the pose altogether. I have cervical vertebrae issues but find this version to be comfortable.
- Lie on your mat.
- Bend your knees to bring your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart and parallel as though you are preparing for Bridge pose.
- With your arms by your sides, palms down, lift your hips and with one hand place a block on its widest side under your sacrum moving it around until you find your ‘sweet spot’ and feel stable and supported.
- Place your arms along side your body or move them into a ‘T’ formation.
- When ready, bring your knees into your chest and then slowly extend them upward.
- Adjust the block if necessary.
- Keep your legs engaged by gently flexing your feet.
- To come out of the pose, lower your feet to the floor one at a time, lift your hips, remove the block, and release your back and hips down to the mat.
- Rest with your knees drawn into your chest.
Garuda Mudra (Gesture of the Eagle)This mudra, shown in the photo above, is said to support the health of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, the throat, and the vocal cords. It can also release tension from the mouth, neck, and jaw. The instructions are from Joseph and Lilian Le Page’s Mudras for Healing and Transformation.
- Hold the right palm facing the chest.
- Place the palm of the left hand onto the back of the right hand.
- Interlace the thumbs and press gently.
- The hands are angled diagonally, forming wings, with the fingers held together or slightly open.
- Relax the shoulders back and down, with the elbows held slightly away from the body and the spine naturally aligned.
Show Up and Be HeardTo be seen and heard is both a tango and a duet.
To be successful, we must give as good as we get.Shift happens when we witness what we think and what we do.
Only then can we know what adjustments may be due.
How we listen and how we talk, requires holding space.
We know we need to practice. We also need some grace!
Beth's self-awareness newsletter is published six times a year. It features informative, inspiring and entertaining tips for finding clarity, contentment, and resilience in a complicated world. For more information and to sign up for the newsletter go to
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