Welcome to another great Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up where Annmarie from The Fit Foodie Mama, Jen from Pretty Little Grub, Michelle at Fruition Fitness and I bring you workout ideas, motivation, inspiration and recipes to try. Join us each week by reading along, linking up and grab the button to proudly display on your blog/in your posts!

Can you believe September starts tomorrow? How the heck did that happen? Schools have started. Pumpkin things are surfacing. I'd be led to think fall was actually coming if Mama Nature wasn't telling me otherwise.
Anywho, with a new month comes new goals, but first, a quick look back at how I did with my August goals.
August Nutrition Goals:
- Meal Plan - I did really well with this. I picked out some recipes (Did you see my Copycat RX Bars? Those are bomb), prepped everything and stuck with my meals for the week. Grade: A+
- Mostly Paleo - I did pretty well with this, as well. During the week, I ate almost exclusively Paleo, and then I let myself be a little more lax over the weekend. Grade: A-
- Don't miss a run - I did miss one weekday run thanks to some (ahem) time-of-the-month troubles, and I subbed one for a spin date with a friend. Grade: B+
- Strength train 3x a week - A friend coerced me into doing Kayla Itsines' Bikini Body Guide program. I'd heard good things about it and it actually works out really well with my running plan. Doing it with a friend has held also me accountable. Grade: A+
- Lose 5 pounds - After I posted this last month, I received a few comments about how trying to lose weight while marathon training isn't the best idea. So I decided to put this aside. I'm hoping that this will just end up being a nice side effect of the workouts and the eating better, but I'm not going to worry about the scale right now. Grade: Incomplete
- Focus - I did really well with focusing on fitness and nutrition this month. If I average my grades together, I think I'll give myself an A-. Honor roll, here I come!
So, what's on my goal list for September? Will and I are heading on a nice long vacation next week (!!!). We're heading to London, Brussels, Nice and Paris; I could not be more excited! Since that vacation is going to take up a good chunk of my month, a lot of my September goals focus around that.

- Don't Go Crazy - In the past, I've used vacations as an excuse to eat all the things. That said, I've never been on vacation with all my food allergies or while marathon training. This time around, I want to insure I enjoy food (and wine!) from different countries, but I'm definitely still going to be careful about what I eat (both allergy-wise and portion-wise). I want my tummy to stay happy so I can enjoy exploring Europe and so I can keep up with my training.
- Stick with my Plan Over Vacation - I let Coach Suz know that I'd be traveling, so she's factoring that into my September running plan. I definitely still want to run while on vacation, in fact, running in new places is one of my favorite things to do. That said, I don't want to have a 20-miler in an unknown city, and I want to save my legs for all the walking and exploring we'll be doing. I have no doubt Susie will do a great job adjusting my plan, so I want to do her proud and stick to the runs I do have while on vacation. I also want to stick with my BBG (Bikini Body Guide) workouts. I may have to modify a bit since I won't have access to a gym, but since the workouts are only 30 minutes, I'm sure I can figure out a way to squeeze them in.
- Abide By the Walk Rule - I have a rule when I'm anywhere that if I it will take 45 minutes or less to get to my destination by foot, then I'll walk. The cities we're heading to are very walker friendly, so I plan on sticking to this rule. Plus, it will save us some money!
That's it! Keeping it short and focused this month. I'm pumped for vacation and also for some fabtabulous guest posters who will be taking over the blog while I'm away. Stay tuned!
What's good with you on this Wild Workout Wednesday? Share your latest posts below and/or share with #wildworkoutwednesday. Full link up rules here.
Let's Chat:
How'd you do with your August goals?
What are you goals for the month ahead?