Fitness Magazine

Scenes from the Weekend and the Weekly Workout Schedule.

By Heather Murphy @MrsMurphysLOF

Hello Lovelies!

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend, and are continuing to enjoy it today! It was gorgeous here Friday and Saturday, but has been raining all morning and the cold has set in.

Friday, a friend and I took full advantage of the spring- like weather with a backyard workout while Joseph played on his new playground.



Saturday, we celebrated a good friends birthday by having a cookout, and we had a blast . (Happy Birthday, Hannah!)

I also learned how to make homemade icing and it was delicious. I will never use store- bought again..

photo (54)

The recipe was from The Vintage Mixer. Here is the link:

Classic Chocolate Frosting

Now, onto our workouts for the week. Click on the photos for for full instructions .

weekly workout schedule 3.24- 3.30


24- Minute Full- body AMRAP workout.

I will probably do a short 20 minute circuit on the treadmill, then complete all three of the AMRAP workouts below.

10 minute AMRAP

8 minute AMRAP

6 min AMRAP


The 400- rep cardio and abs workout has been a favorite here lately!

core and cardio


So I ordered The TRX Trainer and it is supposed to be delivered Tuesday, so I plan on getting to know the equipment that day and trying Julie’s TRX workout on Wednesday. I’m so excited!



Get a back, arm and cardio workout all in one!

get your sexy back and arms


Friday Free day. Whatever Hopefully it will be warm enough to do a trail run. It’s been ages since I’ve been able to, and it’s one of my favorite forms of exercise.


Workin’ the booty and legs.

lower body countdown


My usual rest- day.

Did you guys do anything exciting this weekend?

How’s the weather where you are?

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