Mar 29, 2013 by Tatianna
Hello my Lovies,
Today I have for you a Real Time Abs Workout! I also added a metabolic movement to the workout, so you can add this routine instead of your usual cardio, so you will be doing Abs and Cardio at the same time. This workout is about 15-16 minutes long and I really loved the pace of it. You can either follow me in the video in real time, or you can just watch the first potion of the video where I go over the proper form and beginners variation.
If you are new to Loving Fit I recommend to check out ” Creating Your Workout Plan ” post. There you will be able to see how I put together my routines, and you can find something for your own fitness level. My philosophy is: Form is always more important than speed, so WATCH YOUR FORM!
Things to remember before, during and after your workout
- Warm-Up
- Always Practice Good Form
- Stretch
Workout Explanation
All I was using in this workout was my Gymboss Timer, my Sandbag ( a little over 20 lbs ), and My Pink Lebert .You can substitute Lebert with either a Pull-Up bar ( you can get it on bay for under 30 dollars with free shipping )or you can use two chairs instead.
There are 5 exercises in this routine, one of the exercises is metabolic and we are going to be doing it 3 times total per each round. This is how the workout is gonna go:
( There are 3 rounds total )
- Twisted Tucks – 20 seconds
- Diagonal Kicks – 12 reps ( and 5 second L-Hold after the 12 reps )
- Twisted Tucks – 20 seconds
- V-Hold Sandbag Switch – 16 reps
- Leg-Switch 20 reps
- Twisted Tucks – 20 seconds
- Reversed Crab – 20 reps
Have Fun with this routine my sweeties!
LovingFit Facebook Page – My Personal INSTAGRAM
PS – I got my sandbag as a gift from my friend at
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