Fitness Magazine

Real Time Cardio #7

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

May 24, 2013 by

Real Time Workout

Hello my Lovies,

I have a new Real Time Cardio for you guys to add to the archive! These past few weeks have been different in schedule, it’s Miguel’s vacation so we have to film on different days than usual.  Things are less and more hectic at the same time on his vacation times because we have to change our filming schedule, and I usually have to jam up my work into several days so we can spend time and get out of town. I also tend to slack a bit more with my eating when Miguel has his vacation, it’s easy to be on track when I don’t go out, but when we go out I love to enjoy his vacation on my working time LOL.

Now, today’s Real Time cardio is going to look like I’m having quite the hard time in the video, and I was, not because the workout was extreme but because it’s 100 was 100 degrees together with my lighting and I was losing my breath from humidity. It’s definitely harder to workout when it this hot, all I want to do is climb into my freezer and spend my days there.

For Newbies Of LovingFit

If you are new to Loving Fit I recommend to check out ” Creating Your Workout Plan ” post. There you will be able to see how I put together my routines, and you can find something for your own fitness level. My philosophy is: Form is always more important than speed, so WATCH YOUR FORM!

Things to remember before, during and after your workout

  1. Warm-Up
  2. Always Practice Good Form
  3. Stretch

Workout Explanation

Since this is a Real Time Cardio workout you can follow me along in the video, or you can write this workout down and do it by your self after any of your strength training routines.

In this workout I was using my Gymboss Timerand an 8 lbs medicine ball. This workout has 3 exercise combos, and 4 rounds of each total.

Set your Gymboss Timer for 2 intervals, first interval is 10 seconds ( getting ready for next exercise interval ), next interval is 1 minute ( exercise combo interval ), for the total of 12 rounds. Don’t rush through this routine, this is not suppose to be eye popping cardio, this is moderate cardio that we do after strength training.

  • Fall Push-Up & 2 Low Squat Knee-up Twists Combo
  • Bootcamp and 2 Weighted Tucks Combo
  • 4 Crab Kicks and Equinox Jump Combo

Have a wonderful weekend my Lovies!



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