On Sunday, I crossed the finish line of the Queens 10K. Do you know what that means? That means I’ve check off 7 of the 9 races I need for my NYRR 9+1 goal. Two more and I’ll have my spot in the 2016 NYC Marathon locked down! YIPPEE!
I was getting nervous a few days before the race because the weathermen called for thunderstorms all morning long. Eek! A lot of people on social media pleaded with New York Road Runners not to wait until the last minute to make a decision on whether or not to cancel the race, and they did not disappoint.

On Saturday night about 8pm, I received a phone call, a text AND an email notifying me that the starting time of the race would be pushed back an hour. They also posted the announcement on their website and all of their social networks. Good job, NYRR! I was pretty happy about the delayed start because that meant I got to sleep an extra hour! #winning

I woke up Sunday at 7am (not too shabby, huh?) and made my way to the subway. I usually would have some pre-race oats, but I wasn’t particularly hungry. Instead, I brought along some Vega Energizer to down a few minutes before the race start.
There was light rain when I left my apartment, but by the time I got to Queens, the rain had stopped. It was overcast, hot, and humid. I actually would have welcomed a little rain.
Anywhoooo, I made my way to baggage drop (which is always a VERY easy process at NYRR races) and then to the port-a-potties. There was quite a line! I guess the wet weather makes everyone have to pee!

Those that didn’t have to pee could kill some time by playing life sized Jenga!

The race started promptly at 9am, and we were off on a 6.2 mile tour of Queens’ Flushing Meadows Corona Park.
One thing I really loved about this race was that it started on a very wide road. It usually takes me a good half mile before the crowds spread out and I can find my own little running space, but the wide path at the start helped me find my running bubble very quickly.

The course itself was pretty flat. The roads were a little bumpy with potholes that had been filled with rainwater, but I was just happy not to have to deal with Central Park’s Harlem Hill!
By mile 2, the humidity hit me hard. I felt like I was dragging and stopped at every water station to not just drink, but to pour water on myself. Seriously, I dumped H2O on my arms and over my head at every water stop. By the end of the race I couldn’t tell if I was wet from all the water I doused on myself or if I was doused in my own sweat. Probably both. Apologies to whoever had to sit next to me on the subway on my way home.
Despite the yicky sticky weather, I really enjoyed this race. I loved running past some great landmarks, like the Unisphere…

… Citi Field…

… and the site of the 1964/1965 World’s Fair.

Not gunna lie, though, I was PUMPED when I hit the 6-mile mark and knew the finish line was near. I was HOT and feeling sluggish. I may have even said, “Oh, thank goodness!” when I crossed the finish line. But then I looked at my watch and got a nice surprise. I hadn’t PRed, but I finished with an average pace of 8:58, which is much faster than I thought I was going (I was having some technical difficulties, so I didn’t really know my pace during the race) and also way better than my last 10K.
The finishing shoot was nice and wide, too, so I didn’t get stuck in the typical post finish-line traffic of runners pleading for water and pretzels. I was able to grab some sweet hydration very quickly and snag my medal for the obligatory medal selfie…

…before heading to the post race festival where there were carnival games, mini golf and food trucks!

Had this race fallen on a day with better weather, I think I could have totally rocked out a PR. I may have to test my luck next year to see if I can pull it off!
Looking for a NYC race outside of Central Park? Check out this #Queens10K recap!
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On a side note, don’t forget to enter the Timex Ironman Run X20 GPS Watch Giveaway! Head on over here for details.

Let’s Chat:
Did you race this weekend?
How do you deal with running in the heat and humidity?