Fitness Magazine

Q & A Video #1

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit
Jul 21, 2015 by TatiannaQ and A 1 Happy Monday my Lovies,Let’s make it a great week! This is my first Q&A video, and from here on I would like to make it a tradition, answering your questions in a video format.  Each week, I will be asking on my Facebook and  my Russian VK Page for you guys to post your questions, and I will be making a video answer to the questions which I feel could help many of you. In this video, I will be answering the following questions:1) What has worked best for you in terms of fat loss, recovery etc, traditional cardio or body weight HIIT workouts? What differences do you notice in your body from doing either.2) What do u think about Keto diet ?3) How can I avoid plateu? How build more muscle ? Since I do my videos in two languages, English and Russian and the audience on each end has different questions, I decided not to translate either one, but to leave the questions as they were asked, so each version of the video is different.I still have some other questions that you guys asked which didn’t make it to the first video, but they will make it, in the videos to come, probably 1 question per video from now on.Articles I mentioned in the video: How To Safely Gain Weight and Muscle, The Scientifically Proven Approach to Training and Nutrition Enjoy the video and have a beautiful week!   LovingFit Facebook Page  –  My Personal INSTAGRAM – Subscribe to My YouTube Channel – My Google Plus Page ( I’m really active on my Google Plus and I post things there that I don’t post on my Facebook or other social sites ).<iframe src=";layout=standard&amp;show-faces=true&amp;width=450&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:130px"></iframe>PHP FreelancerPHP Freelancer

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